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Latest quilt. I didn't realize that the design looked like two big eyes until I took the picture--wonder if I can sleep peacefully beneath them?

Gwendolyn2018 9 Jan 14

Enjoy being online again!

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It will scare all the monsters away, you will be safe under it.


Is this how superstition starts? You tell me. Please do tell us if it does disturb your sleep. I think you know it would not. Same for walking under ladders except in that case there is a definite danger of paint pots or the like falling, so is wise to avoid.


LOVE the colors!!!! It's beautiful!


It does look like eyes Gwendolyn, but it is still a pretty quilt.


Have you done any in natural colors or native American style ?
Might be interesting..

@Gwendolyn2018 I had to look up bargello ! 🙂


Great work

bobwjr Level 10 Jan 14, 2021

Why not?
They’re watching out for you.
Lovely work.

@Gwendolyn2018 Better that the "eyes" are looking out for you, rather than peeking under the covers! The pattern and colors very cheery!

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