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What movie marathons have you done? I've done The Godfather and we ate Italian food. I could do that one again. And I finally caved and marathoned the High School Musicals with my daughter.

Ksha 5 Apr 14

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These days we binge watch TV series on Netflix.


The Matrix


Star Wars
Indiana Jones
Die Hard
Harry Potter
Star Trek

All great film series. I watched The Mummy and Mummy Returns recently. And NO, I am not a couch potato. LOL!


When I heard that filmmaker John Hughes died, I did a full weekend of all of his movies. He is my 80's.


A few of my friends and I once did a marathon of all three Lord of the Rings movies. The extended versions. It went all night and into the morning and we were loopy as fuck when it was done. We all just slept on the floor for several hours. It was fun, though.


my youngest son watches all the land before time movies...thats pretty much all he likes... if id let him, he would watch them all day...does that count?

Byrd Level 7 Apr 14, 2018

My son and I recently watched all three Godfather movies. With both my kids we've marathoned the original Star Wars trilogy, and we've also done the Harry Potter series.


I give anyone who can do movie marathons a lot of credit. I can barely get through TV show marathons, after maybe two or three hours I'm bleary-eyed.


Clerks, dogma and jay and silent bob strike back.
They are stupid and funny


I don't marathon movies. I do television series. Just finishing up the third and final season of The Newsroom.


Harry Potter, LOTR, Star Wars, Indiana Jones, Poltergeist too many to list really. I’ll marathon at the drop of a hat. ?


the hobbit/ lord of the rings, Tremors (all 5), Back to the Future, Star wars, Return of the living dead 1,2,and 3


A Christmas Story, every Xmas, is my marathon of choice. The same film, over and over again. I love it!


For a few yers we'd watch the Die Hard movies at Christmas. (The first two movies takes place durign the Chritmas holidays). We have also done the Bourne movies.


One of my friends (who hadn't seen any) and I did a 36hr GoT marathon.
She wasn't impressed, but she stuck it out for the weekend (which wasn't enough to see them all).

SW ep4-6 are easy, I've done three Treks in a row, numerous Bonds, Bourne trilogy.


Without fan fare have done Godfather, A Christmas Story.


My husband and I do 'movie marathons' quite a bit. The last one we did was Harry Potter.


I marathoned 3 Viggo Mortensen movies:
A History of Violence; Eastern Promises; and The Road


You could watch all three Neverending Story movies with your daughter. Yes there are three. The third has a young Jack Black and the luck dragon acts like a drunkard. It would teach your daughter about the dangers of sequels 😉
I've also done bad Nicolas Cage movie night with Knowing and The Wicker Man.
There's also Phillip K. Dick movie night with movies based off of his books like Blade Runner, Minority Report, and Total Recall.

Wait, what, three? I suppose sequels make sense since it's Never Ending.

Blade Runner--which cut? ?


I think was whileback it was the The police academy comedy series

Rosh Level 7 Apr 14, 2018

Star wars in the right order 4,5,6,1,2,3 been a while as need to add the other three but might wait till then next 2 then do all 11 together


Harry Potter marathons.

@Ksha Oh wow. I love the movies. I have ever since I was a kid.


Snowed in this weekend. Watching all the X-men films.


Just finished all 10 Halloween movies...trying to do the Spiderman movies...not in the mood...Wrong Turn next?


Never had the time or the inclination. Never been much of a fan of prequels and sequels. But it is just me being me. Enjoy them guys.


Harry Potter, LOTR, Alien...those are only ones that come to mind.

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