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What a happy thought...

GeorgeRocheleau 8 Feb 11

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Did u know that the word rapture isnt even in the book?

There's a book?

don't all old people believe it?


This is what I am hoping for with Covid, the anti mask, covered in the blood of the little baby Jebus morons will kill themselves off and leave the world a better place. 😀


I can picture this with the song "Oh, Happy Day" playing in the background.


A very happy thought but I, our generation, and our next few generations will not live to see it happen in our/their lifetimes. They created this monster over thousands of years.

If we really want to get rid of religion, we must get power. Atheism must get involved at every level in politics and start holding offices. At least, we can begin seeing cleansing of religion from our 'public' life.

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