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Druvius 8 Feb 12

Enjoy being online again!

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Acquitted yet again.

Yerp, I am giddy with glee. Today is the day the GOP died.

@Druvius They died many years ago. Trump won four years ago because he wasn’t like them or the democrats.

@CourtJester And it won't work again, he's a one trick pony.

@Druvius someone will come behind him.

@CourtJester Yeah, that is the nightmare scenario. Fortunately people like Hitler, Stalin, and Mao are rare.

@Druvius how was Trump like any of them besides your hurt feelings?

@CourtJester Trump has never hurt my feelings. They we're all leaders who inspired personality cults, a rare breed indeed.



BD66 Level 8 Feb 13, 2021

Many states are ready with criminal charges

bobwjr Level 10 Feb 13, 2021

What laws did he break?

Amazing that liberals are worried about Trump, but Biden has over 50 executive orders now.

He did once say that only a dictator rules by executive order.

He now holds the damn record.

Funny shit.

"What laws did he break?" Well, I'm pretty sure that inciting a mob to storm a building with murderous intent breaks numerous laws. However, this isn't a criminal trial, it's an impeachment trial and there is no requirement to cite any broken laws. So your point is irrelevant.
Trump was the record holder for executive orders, no comparison. Biden undoing Trump's executive orders isn't being dictatorial, it's undoing Trump's dictatorial tendencies. If Trump had wanted to make permanent changes he would have worked at getting laws passed, not writing executive orders that can be undone with a signature by the next administration. That would have required actual work though,. did Trump get ANY laws passed?
A MAGA mob stormed the Capitol, five dead, and you think it's FUNNY? I don't see anything amusing in the situation at all.

Jester: 90% are reversing nasty/stupid drump crap, which you know, but are choosing to act stupid...again.


The State of George will charge Donald Trump with interfering with the presidential election, a federal offense.

Thank you, Georgia!


Yes, true enough, he could face other problems. One can only hope.

Well, it seems like he'll have to Hire more that he can STIFF them too...LOL~~~

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