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Well, I'm back. My former laptop heard that I had a tax refund coming and promptly fried out its CPU.

I realize it's illogical to attribute motives to inanimate technology, but dang, it sure felt malicious. On the other hand, Firefox deleting all my passwords just because I had to reset the main one, is sheer human idiocy. Is it possible that someone else was trying to reset my password? Remotely, yes. That's why the link is sent to my personal email, so I would know if an attempt is being made to reset it without my authorization, and I could stop it. Security is security, but this is just paranoia. What makes it worse was finding the file with the password 5 minutes later, and having no link to contact Firefox and ask if they can undo the process somehow, or give me back my other passwords. I mean, I'm me. I should know.

Paul4747 8 Feb 25

Enjoy being online again!

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I use a service to manage my passwords. They are all too strange to enter by hand anyway.


Welcome back

Word Level 8 Feb 25, 2021

Say what?

I recognize some of those things from the folder the shop put in when they imported my files, but I have no clue what to do with them.

I'll deal with it tomorrow....

Okay, one of these methods worked. I figured out how to paste my old password files into my profile. Thanks for the link.


Prove it! And define "me".

Look. At some point, you just have to take my word for it. And so do they.


That's why I typed my passwords on paper. In alphabetical order by website.

Took a photo of it with my phone.

I have a list like that, too! I even keep a copy of it with my will and such. But I never thought about taking a photo of it with my phone so guess what I'm doing this weekend?

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