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[] - The Church And COVID-19: Catholic Bishops Say To Avoid Johnson

ADKSparky 8 Mar 3

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From what I hear the J&J vaccine is the safest. I've heard they have had no allergic reactions and the single shot is less risk for persons with autoimmune problems, like myself.


Aren’t we using ‘stem cells,’ to treat other ailments? These cells are not just collected from aborted fetuses, they are collected from births, as I understand it!


Well, coming from them.....who gives a shit. A dunce cap and robes does not make you important.

...or expert on anything! Anything that must first go through some religious filter, usually want pass their test! Why...we would still be operating in the ‘dark ages,’ if it was up to the religious community! Lol.

@Freedompath you are so right. If you look back, the bishops are the ones who lost the most power over time.

@K9Kohle789 I do have a vague recollection about that. I do know that fluid is also being collected from births to use in ‘stem cell,’ treatments.


Evolve or die. Sorry.


If your going to be stupid enough to listen to stupid morons, you deserve what you get.

Those who stand for nothing fall for anything.


It's okay to rape a choir boy but if a rape victim terminates a pregnancy those stem cells can't be used to save lives. Truth be told these stem cells are from miscarried fetal tissue.

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