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Leading cause of death in the world 😱
1.Heart disease
2. Cancers
3. Medical error
4. Prescription drugs.
When you add it all up, wouldn't you say overall the medical profession is the leading cause of death in the world?
🀧Dose anyone really knows what's in those covid vaccines?.
You Should know, because they want to mandate it for everyone. In this world order fashionable way, they will do anything.
They can't catch me, I will survive and nobody else owns my body and mind. πŸ’ͺ

Castlepaloma 8 Mar 4

Enjoy being online again!

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A big thank you for speaking out!

Thank you, for health support.

We are not alone
Harvard studies
As it turns out, healthy habits make a big difference. According to this analysis, people who met criteria for all five habits enjoyed significantly, impressively longer lives than those who had none: 14 years for women and 12 years for men (if they had these habits at age 50).
Harvard won't support leading cause of death no. 4th, prescription drugs.


It is good to be skeptical about anything related to govt, health care, or religion. But there is a difference between healthy objective behavior and overly irrational behavior. Seems a bit more reading and a bit less ranting is in order.

From my experience from writing a few post relating to covid and their vaccines. The powers to be have force us or brainwashed us into these separated labels and indenities boxes. By leading us with institutions, Government and wealthy corporations. Tbey have onsided corrupted us for more power for themselves. The nationalist allowed the onesideness labels and Identify boxes that greatly conflict with other separated limited tiny boxes.

What I have learn from these posts. Is there is very little sharing conversation because of very limited integration. With very little likes from these tiny boxes lacks openness or observations to mostly my own experiences of the truth. Don't really need their approvals. For I have my own circle of privatization strong individual and holistic lifestyle. A few pop up on these posts to drop their support then ran off for good reason. They fear the nationalism community disapproval where I am fearless to tread. What sense is there to waste time from onesided arrogants. Or to take extreme negativity toward their very being or of their own holistic lifestyle circle which these post started on them too.


This post is like saying that a knife and dynamite are both tools that can be used as weapons, so they're pretty much the same thing, and therefore if we allow people to buy knives at the store, then we should also allow them to also buy dynamite.

Mvtt Level 7 Mar 4, 2021

More like you can buy synthetic junk food or medicine or buy natural healthy food and medicine.

Pick the wrong one, the billionaires will sell you the rope to hang yourself.


Latest leading cause: Apoplexy
Caused by reading posts such as this.


Check out Brandy video

@Krish55: Good One!
Wasted on him, he has No sense of humor...or facts......


Please!!! disprove my top four leading cause of death in the world.

Sometimes I get paid to do standup comedy, can you?
I would be locked up for covid jokes, than later the joke would be too late upon you.

@Castlepaloma ummm,"funny" how you never mentioned stand-up comedy until after I mentioned i had done it. Where,exactly?


I have talked a few times about doing stand up comedy on this site and about cannabis . Not all my jokes are for all folks, yet get lots of laughs here, even test some out.
In Vancouver and Toronto did lots of tours of cannabis comedy clubs, many were shut down except the Hot Box. Mostly for drinks a few bucks and by donation. Did a few Cafe like Kino. Humor is my favorite medicine.


Okay then, have at it. As in whatever. πŸ™„


It's always comforting to run across someone more paranoid than me, lol...

Watch out. I'm running a close third behind you!

Just a small fearless fish who can swim with the nastiest sharks. know where they are and not to be eaten


Leading a wholesome holistic life, consulting with holistic practitioners is the best way of life. If the world were completely holistic we just might create a near paradise on earth.

In the movie sleeper, woody found in time travel, ice cream, cakes and chocolate was the health food of the future. Did you live in that fictional world too.

Humans in pass history have been so Ignorant about natural organic healthy foods and medicines. If you don't believe me, then take muster gas and radiation for cancer, then show me your results.

If you take antibiotics all the time, wash your hands and wear a masks, all the time. Then when a strong virus hits you, you will have an un-practiced immune system and you will deserve to die.

@creative51 First, in using the term "paradise," the word doesn't exclusively belong to Evangelists. I am far from that.
Second, for me, holistic means living intelligently. When you live intelligently you will need much less antibiotics, etc. But when it is necessary you get it.
I find that today too many people think in generalizations. What do they say? The devil is in the details.
But I see that devil in thinking without the details.

@creative51, @Castlepaloma Woody really makes you laugh.

I see you have disgust over the ignorance associated with health and disease. I have anger. I am angry at those that propagandise in order to fill their pockets.

Maybe creative51 doesn't think future junk food was funny.
Favourite bits of Jesus was he got angry over the money changers. I get that raw emotion, yet long term angry would be inefficient.

I replaced angry with, Don't fuck with my health!!!

@Castlepaloma Unfortunately, our environment has been made unhealthy. Resisting the pervading unhealthy culture has a price, perhaps a good price, because you are now an iconoclast, an odd ball, who is as odds with society. It ends up having a total effect.


"They can't catch me" I'm the gingerbread man segues seamlessly into the epidemiological analysis. Dose anyone?

You guy's trust the witch who lives in the gingerbread house, that I call the whitehouse, built by slaves.


You had me until you started in about covid vaccines. Where did you get your medical degree? Your paranoia and distrust of "billioniares" Needs to be treated. If they kill you off they make less money. No one is mandating a vaccine for everyone and you are not going to be forced to take a vaccine in our current world order. Did you fall into Qanon Creek?

Have not met a Qanon violent Christian extremeist. Do you talked to them on American streets corner??

I studied natural medicine around my second home town Santa Famillia Belize. The adverage age is 92. Was forced on vegetables as a child. Never stayed overnight in a hospital bed until a caught a tropical virus from deep jungles in Belize.
The Vancouver Doctors didn't know what it was, after 4 months they did heart value surgery on me. My natural path witch doctor knew what it was and could have treated it. I suffered for years on number 3 and 4 highest cause of death, doctors errors and their Toxic pills. Today I help treat and work with others in medical marijuana and organic food products.

Don't worry I'm fearless from all the nay sayers and greedy bastards. Don't need their electrical shockers or bad meds.


If you think "the powers that be" need a vaccine to get something inside your body, I have a bridge to sell you...

They want more than your body, they want everything. I got plenty of doors and windows, and build bridges. Don't have to pay a Banker double that, who I don't know at all.

As you and everyone else can easily see by his pathetic "reply", he has No problem disrespectfully ignoring your post with BS when he sees it makes sense.......


Small pox , measles , typhoid , dysantari , polio , pneumonia , tetnas , and lepracy among others , killed massive quantities of people for hundreds of years . Vaccinations have saved millions of lives , from being lost to these diseases . Yes , the medical profession has been in error , and sometimes has caused needless deaths . They have also learned better ways to create vaccines , over the decades . We do know that idiots gathering in huge groups , not wearing breathing protection , have not only cost them their own lives , but others they came in contact with , as well . The medical profession , has learned by their mistakes , developed functional guidelines , have benefited from technological advances , as well as common sense . Can't say the same for the anti-vaxers . We're still learning about the side effects those who've recovered from corona virus , are left with . Given the choice between getting what protection the vaccines create , or refusing to due to some unknown theory , I'll take the vaccine .

Medicinal ingredient
β€’ mRNA
Non-medicinal ingredients
β€’ 1,2-distearoyl-sn-glycero-3-phosphocholine (DSPC)
β€’ acetic acid
β€’ cholesterol
β€’ lipid SM-102
β€’ polyethylene glycol (PEG) 2000 DMG
β€’ sodium acetate
β€’ sucrose
β€’ tromethamine
β€’ tromethamine hydrochloride
β€’ water for injection

I. Never buy anything more than 3 ingredient in my food products. We know what when it's natural and safe because
we are bioorganism first.

What comes out of Gates and Monsanto Frankenstein chemicals laboratory. Oh what a living monsterious hell it will be

@Castlepaloma uuuummm, arsenic is natural, heroin comes from poppy flower seeds, cocaine comes from leaves. Plenty of elements like lead, uranium, radon, etc.etc.etc. are all natural.....your guiding principle is BS, and very dangerous!


Yes those illegal drugs kill far less than the legal drugs, figure that one out?
Who goes out in the woods to eat mushrooms and die. When a doctor can write you up a prescription that has killed many.

@Castlepaloma you consider the above a reply to my facts?

I don't trust the state and wealthy corporation with our health and well being. The state claim to own the cannabis plant, then locks up us users in cages more than all the murderer, rapist, child molesters and all violent criminals Combined. When cannabis plant directly has killed zero in 10,'000 years. Plants will expand your life expectancy by 12 year and cannabis is the most important plant in the world. Plants covers 80% biomass of the earth and best medicine known to humankind. From the Synthetic state and corporations. The good people are being locked up and the bad people are running our lives, except for a few awake people.


Who wants to mandate it for everyone?
As far as I've heard, no one has been forced to get vaccinated. It is highly recommended, but I've yet to hear of anyone being commanded to take it.

You are free to do as you please, get the vaccine or don't.
However, I don't think it's remotely reasonable for you to encourage anyone else not to choose to be vaccinated.

You can disparage the medical profession all you please, it doesn't matter. You can live your life however you please.

The fact is that modern science and medicine have prolonged countless lives.
Another fact is, sooner or later, death comes to everyone.

At first it seem needed, once I decovered it is a planedemic continuous of a 3rd wave take over. My distrust of billionaires and their never stop thinking of ways to kill us. It's important to share.

I won't allow death by state or medical profession on me, when things get worst and it will. Science by natural ways have save and prolong us. Not these synthetic crooks warfare.

For a family member from the US tried to visit me. it was too much mandatory to get two vaccine shots and cost thousand of dollars and 10 days gurantine. Soon to come their attempt to mandated our work to eat, school, and so on.

@Castlepaloma no, you’re not paranoid. They really are out to get you...

@Castlepaloma Ha! It's the billionaires that are intentionally killing the very people that buy their crap and view their ads to make them rich? Your theory holds no water.

@Castlepaloma JFC!
Paranoid much?

Whatever, dude.
Live your life your way.

I'm fearless. Plenty of times I hear you guys have arguments about politics and religion. That is paranoid, I take no stakes in both.

@KKGator, @JeffMurray

They don't worry about money, they just print off trillions for their planedemic. Then steal back for billionaires recorded profits. You have longer hours and less pay with no over time pay. Homeless R US to come.

@Castlepaloma I don't know if you're just making nonsensical generalizations, but the pandemic was good for me financially. I worked less hours, got more pay, and I always make overtime over 40 hours because that's the law where I live.

They ready own you but not me. I'm concern yet not paranoid.
I'm disappointed on how many here, are not supporting the natural world and law of things vs the synthetic world and UNjustice system.


Most often i talk about how healthy my work is serving humanity and loving it. First thing you are talking about is how well your making money. Are you into bankruptcy, junk food, or banking. For these guys are making a record killings

@Castlepaloma you’re not fearless, you are clueless

To be the first professional into a new industry of sand and snow sculpture into big business touring 4 continents for 45 years. Plus not for anything one-sided like the 3rd and 4th leading killer.
Takes fearlessness.

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