When you deliver auto parts for a living you find many people who are into cars and trucks so much that they build and restore them. Restoring a car is all my co-workers talk about. I'm a bit different. I'm into TV and movies and grew up when household TV sets were just becoming popular. I've become a TV and movie geek and watch programs from all over the world.
Then there is my lifelong friend who restores cars. We met at about . He always tells me about his 1957 Corvette and what he is doing with it now. He thinks I would like to have one. I think he has me convinced. I'm looking for a 1957 TV now. I could turn it on and see the snowy screen and think of HBO when a show starts. If I turn up the sound I can hear the hiss that the snow would be making. Talk about a dream come true! I'm hooked!
And by the way that sounds like a plan
Won't you need a digital to 525 line analog decoder to watch HBO? and I'm assuming you're looking for a black and white because of color was available nobody was broadcasting it pretty much. By the way be careful of TV people they got Carol Ann remember?