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I just sneezed at work and a few people replied bless you, which I say as well when someone sneezes.

What do yall say? What can the athiest reply to a sneeze, if there ever were one.

Davidthinks 7 Apr 16

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I just remain silent.


It depends on if they know me. I either tell them to 'Stop that!' or Shut up!' They know I am just joking, and it works.


Say...thank you for being concerned about my health.


This has been asked before and my response is "skat there".


Coughs And Sneezes Spread Diseases.

Coldo Level 8 Apr 16, 2018

I said "bless you". Nothing hurts in me after saying. I am not going to have a conscience battle when comfronted with the dilema everytime I hear a sneeze.


à tes souhaits (French). That's what we say in Québec, French Canada.


I sometimes get sneezing fits when it gets dry and dusty out. On top of that, I also work construction, which is dusty work. Sometimes I'll get started on one of these convulsive jags, and after the second "bless you" I think "man, you don't know what you just got your self into.... "
Occasionally, I'll have to suggest they quit while they are ahead.

My dad always used to say "Gesundheit" which is just "health!"... no blessing involved..


Seeing as I excuse myself for any other bodily function, I say "excuse me" when I sneeze as well. That way, if someone decides to "bless me", I feel that I have already aknowledged my sneeze and feel no need to respond to the blessor.

And when someone else sneezes, I just say "excuse you"




Why say anything? It's a silly old superstition.




My family says "Peace and health to you" or "peace and health". When people bless me, if the situation is appropriate, I say something light and humorous like "thanks, but I don't think it will help get me in".


I say (note I am butchering the spelling) Nasdarovia. It Czech I think for good health to you. My brother says "Einstein!"


Gesundheit. It's German for "good health" and has no religious connotations


"Goblin shoe" sounds similar enough most won't know the difference .


I say Thank you. Look at it this way, they mean well, even if they ARE misguided. If someone cares about you you should acknowledge that .


I just ask if they're going to eat that and if they brought enough for everyone.


I always say Gesundheit


Thanks for covering your sneeze or cover your sneeze please.

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