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Has anyone else considered the possibility that religious festivals in the distant past, only involved 'burnt offerings' as a means of providing BBQ to the general population who lived primarily on a diet of gruel and beer?
The aroma went to the LORD but they never talk about what happened to the BBQ. That is a pretty slick way to get people to believe in a religion and the best part is that the rich patrons provide the sacrificial offerings so they get to share in the prestige of the religious festival.
Sounds like a done deal to me.

Surfpirate 9 May 4

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Always been lord of my manner. My ex wife always provided burnt offerings to me. Hence the term “ex”.


A bar-b-que for the greedy.


Sorry, but not a new idea, people have been aware of the obvious cheat for centuries. The ancient Greeks even had a legend about how the Gods were cheated out of the best share. According to which.

When the first burnt offering was made, the gods got to choose which bits were theirs and which were left for the humans to eat. But the crafty priests, ( it may have been Prometheus, I don't recall, ) wrapped some of the bones and the inedible offal in a thin layer of the best fat. Then they asked the gods which bits they wanted to be theirs ever afterwards. The gods of course chose, what looked like a large lump of the finest fat, but was in fact just bones. The story was probably told by the ancient Greeks tongue in cheek. But it explained how the division was made.
There is a little more here. []

I meant the question to be rhetorical but I agree that it is an old dodge by the religious leaders to get the people to come out and listen to their programming, free food is still used by churches to this day to bring out the population so they can be indoctrinated.

@Surfpirate Just never drink the Kool-ade. Its psycho active.

@Fernapple Either that or laced with strychnine.


In the Bible the meat was ceremonially offered to god and then the priests are it

This answer from BudFrank is the correct one. The Levitical priesthood became a welfare class because they were exempt from owning land but that was a good thing for them because they had cities made for them, they benefitted from taxation, and every time someone brought a "sacrifice" it was free food for them. And I think priests always, including other cultures, ate the food that was sacrificed, often making it look like it was eaten by an idol.


Well perhaps being a Deity with no actual substance then the ONLY way one may enjoy a 'FEAST' is to make certain that one can sniff at what is on the Offering?
Blimey, IF Burnt Offerings are a sign of being a God then I must have been a God since just after January, 27th. 1979 when I got married for the first time.
My Ex-missus could BURN anything, water included, and this is NO joke btw.


Gee, maybe that's how they came up with haggis.

Haggis isn't so bad, especially if you only have to eat a fork full once a year on Robbie Burns Night.

@Surfpirate Nope. No one can make me eat that. No reason would be sufficient.

@KKGator Have you ever tried it? Even just a little taste?

@Surfpirate Nope. The closest I've ever gotten to eating haggis is tripe.
Close enough.

Vegetarian haggis is quite nice 😊


Or to make yourself:


Of course there are plenty of options to replace the egg too, if you prefer a vegan option 😉

Happy haggis hunting, the wee beasties don’t have to be wounded 😂

@girlwithsmiles Thanks for the links, but I have zero interest in haggis, of any variety.

@KKGator cool, no worries 😉


That doesn't mean I will stop having a great steak barbequed and if some imagined god gets his rocks off over it, that's fine with me.

There have been archeological finds of temple braziers with the remains of marijuana resin in the bottom of them, perhaps the religious leaders found a flavour enhancer that made the meat more palatable and the euphoria more predictable.


From what I have read on the Greeks, much of the "meat" burned for sacrifices wasn't the best cuts and was often the offal filled innards.

Why waste the good stuff on the peasants when the religious elites will be eating the good cuts in the temple after the festival is over?

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