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Religion is the worship of Man

Prove Me Wrong

twill 7 May 8

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We seek facts and proof, for our beliefs, huh

True religion is helping widows and orphans in their time of need Paraphrased


Religion is worship of God with a few powerful people controlling the Narrative. Not really a worship of man but man using it as a manipulation tool


Sounds like troll challenge to me.

Leelu Level 7 May 9, 2021

It's a rip off of Steven Crowder and his "Change my mind" spiel. I thought that would be noticed by some if not most in here.

Oh well. Quite a few belligerent responses in here.

@twill ah, well, we get a lot of trolls here so...


Qualify your argument if you want a response. Until then, no, it isn't.

It's a rip off of Steven Crowder and his "Change my mind" spiel. I thought that would be noticed by some if not most in here.

I should have posted it under "FUNNY". But IDK if too many in here would get it still
Maybe hold up a "LAUGH NOW please" poster?

@twill I've heard Steven Crowder's name but I've never sought out his content so I'm unfamiliar with his schtick. Apologies for my ignorance.


religion is ignorance plain and simple, mankind deserves to be worshiped, look at what we have achieved for all to see, our big evolved brains know a thing or two about what is

Absolutely. We don't give ourselves enough credit. Or sometimes show enough restraint


Why? Why does it matter to me what you believe.

who said it did?


You have too much time on your hands. Prove me wrong.

why bother with a comment like this? it comes off as combative and unintelligent, jus sayin, i hope u get ur likes tho 🙂

@HeAdAkE No more unintelligent than the original post.

It only took 20 seconds to post. And I don't wish to have that time back

@HeAdAkE Your assertion of "unintelligent" merely your assertion. Prove me wrong. Additionally it was not combative,, prove me wrong.


Of course it is.


Religion is the controlling of man.



No, man worships of his own art works.

Think of the irony of the Christians, belittling the existing Roman imperial religions, by saying that when they put up idols, they worshiped just dead things made of wood and gold, fashioned by the hands of men. Yet arrogantly claiming to be superior, because their god was invisible; which really just meant, not made of wood and gold, but just made out of paper and ink.

And sometimes the paper and ink is literally worshiped in its own right, think about that, next time you see someone put their hand on a bible in court.

While the difference between worship of human art, and worship of humans matters. Because, unlike men, arts are practically immortal, so that yesterdays arts can take on lives of their own and inflict themselves on future generations, often in disastrous, unintended and unforeseen ways.

( The Christians made a straw-man argument anyway, since the idols were merely representations and not worshiped in their own right, but what religious person ever cared about being truthful. )

I think they do not use a Bible in court anymore. Think about it: where is the separation of church and state in THAT?


Of man’s egotistical bad ideas 😂
Of a man’s testimony being worth twice a woman? (Islam)
Of man as god incarnate? (Christianity)
Of man grown from the supernatural? (Taoism)
Of man, as the only self that exists? (Some solipsist)
Which man, man?!

Mvtt Level 7 May 8, 2021

Which man? Wo-man, of course!


i won’t try to prove you wrong cuz, like theists, you will refuse to accept evidence.


Maybe, the whole of humanity, for it's purpose is to suppress the individuals ego.

mzee Level 7 May 8, 2021

Why would i waste my time"proving" anything to anybody? While i agree with your premise, quit stealing phrases from memes.....


One perspective will say yes and another no. What would be the objective?


Don't want to.



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