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I'm an Atheist, more over a antitheist. I insist all religions ancient and present are human made fallacies and absurd thinking. Also convinced psychoactive substantives were consumed ergot, psychedelic mushrooms, mescaline etcetera. Being by accident or knowingly, they did not really understand their present reality with all it's illusions and dilutions. Thus supernaturalism steps in and religion is born. Thus my user name they were tripping

theyweretripping 6 May 10

Enjoy being online again!

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And I am a nullifidian: one who, by definition, has no faith or religious belief. As a nullifidian I care little for the distinctions between agnosticism (lacking knowledge of a deity) and atheism (lacking belief in a deity). We sometimes lose the point when arguing over these subtleties, when all the time the elephant in the room is organized religion and the mental illness that is religious faith.


It is not just religion, the whole human thought process is FUBAR. Maybe transhumanism will help, computers do not have egos, so cannot be offended, don't give a fuck what you call them, and make some pretty good logical decisions . . . . when a meld occurs between humans and computers, humans are going to go through some serious changes in their thought processes.


Yes, I'm an atheist. But I have ONE religious belief. And that is: Little green people are stealing our luggage. I'm certain of it.


I'm with you. I wish this site were called, I wouldn't have to hear their bullshit.


Most of mankind has attempted tripping one way or another from the beginning.


That’s a factor yeh. We can feel free to transcend all that now. Let’s go ✌️

Mvtt Level 7 May 10, 2021

Your first two sentences make sense. The following sentences do not.


So what were you tripping on when you wrote this post?

Well my E-mail handle is oldhippiedon fact being I was scared sober back in 93 and [ grass as we called it in Nam] in 03. Now it's a few chill pills prescribed by the VA. Liked your comment thou.


Why the need for external chemicals? Psychosis can be a naturally occurring phenomenon; especially under high stress.


I think the book of Revelations was written by someone who had ingested a psychoactive substance but the old testament in particular is fascinating mythology with a little bit of history mixed in and shouldn't be dismissed so lightly.


Psychoactive substances may have been part of the mixture in many cases, but they would be by no means needed to kick start religion. Humans are perfectly able to make mistakes, see things that are not there and invent things to deceive others, without chemical help. We are only of very limited intelligence, prone to error, and it was needful to invent and construct slowly over many years elaborate structures, such as philosophy and science, just to get us to begin reasoning even a little bit.

You may find it interesting to research, "false positive errors", and Richard Dawkin's "memes theory".

Meme theory is awesome way to understand biblical theme. Jesus was the meme cognition organism of the old testiment people that evolved into a person.

I must disagree, respectfully. Drugs were used before organized religion, but, in the torah it says to talk to got you must do it in the smoke of holy incense. Which like it or not was weed. Innebrianys were not seen as bad. So people who figured out what they did used them.

Life was brutal, hard, short frightening. Fevers, diseases of skin and organ were all over. So the right people get exposed to weed/ergot etc. They have visions. They became religion, which ever reductive human kind reduced to religion as we know it. I do know that people everyplace that find mind altering drugs, consume them.

Imagine then a world lit only by fire. There is no understanding of rudimentary science, which could take some of the randomness of bad things away, since you can protect yourself. Some guy pr woman explains to you on a cold scary night as a loved one dies of a fever, about your vision, and the reason for the suffering is (insert you favorite religious bullshit here). Then they tell you pray. they may share some drugs , never telling you what they are from, they control the product. Eventually they have so much market share of scared people , they do not need the chemicals and so it is withdrawn.

Weed was used by the jews and everybody who knew about it. But after their release from Babalonia, it is no longer Kosher, and is not allowed. But the jews were now a cohesive unit with rules and regs, and no weed. They trancended the need. It fell out of favor and becomes banned, (at least in effect)


you can also look for Cannabis a lost history

but here is a link that might get you the mother load, (on youtube anyway) of "Chemical Culture" during ancient and pre histories.

Give them a read, believe what you like.


@praytothemilkjug Yes but I did not say it did not play a part, only that there would have been religion even without it.

@Fernapple Appologies to you. I misspoke. I believe you would then be correct, humans need to do something that stops us from going a little meshuga. religion would have eventually rise for some. But flat out dosing people is way faster.

My feeling is religious people are following the ravings of a long dead stoner.

@praytothemilkjug Certainly your feeling are a good guide.


I have enjoyed mescaline- didn't see god myself.


You posted your post twice. You can delete one of them.

You say,"...religions ancient and present are human made fallacies and absurd thinking. "

Defined as historically certified for almost 2000 years and contained in text holding modern accomplish for being in most copied text of it's kind to be evidence of well established definition: Religion - to help widows and orphans in need and avoiding worldly corruption. James 1:27

Not disputing "human made", but can you explain the fallacy and absurdity of thinking to help widows and orphans in need and avoiding worldly corruption?

Word Level 8 May 10, 2021

Yes, agree. Like most books, you can cherry pick parts of the bible to make it seem like a positive. Some vicars choose the nice bits and ignore the unethical/ ‘socially unacceptable these days’ bits every sermon 😁
Good has been done in the name of many fictional works.


You may have mistaken art for a science substitute. Science needs to make sense to the conscious, rational mind. Art needs to make sense to the unconscious and intuitive mind. Expecting art to make rational sense is like trying to use the sky to unlock your house. It’s not the sky’s fault that the plan doesn’t work.

skado Level 9 May 10, 2021
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