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How to get rid of annoying people:

Years ago, a guy contacted me on a dating site. I was not interested in meeting him, but he saw me in a Walmart not long after and recognized me. He "engaged" me in conversation and did so every time he saw me in a store. It didn't matter if I were edging away or said, "I need to go now," he thought that I was interested in details of his life.

I saw him soon after the pandemic began, when masks had become mandatory in my town. It was in the produce department at Walmart and he greeted me, maskless, with a huge smile on his face and a spritely, "Hey, Gwen!" I asked him why he was not wearing a mask and he told me that he "couldn't breathe" with it on.

I was not polite in my response and walked away while he yelled after me, "But I can't breathe!"

I saw him in Lowe's the other day and though I know he saw me, too, he made no eye contact and walked on. Later in the day, I saw him again at Walmart. I know he saw me then, too, but he walked right by me without eye contact or a greeting.

I won't say that any "good" things came out of the pandemic, but hey, I doubt that I will be annoyed by him again.

Gwendolyn2018 9 May 14

Enjoy being online again!

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It sounds like mask have been a win-win for you.

When someone tells me they can't breathe with a mask on, I almost always reply that my daughter is asthmatic and her doctor almost demands that she wear a mask anytime she is in public. He tells her it may be hard to breathe with a mask on but it's even harder with the ventilator. I didn't buy her some plastic inserts that hold the mask out from her nose.

I'm notorious for talking to strangers but covid has almost oblitirated that habit. Mainly because my voice is soft and they often can't understand my comments.


How much better he will breath on a ventilator! No mask to worry about, just a tube down his throat.

@Gwendolyn2018 does he have halitosis? Maybe he can’t stand the smell of his own breath?


I've been trying to think of effective ways of dealing with the "I can't breathe" argument.

It's believable for aerobic exercise, but these snowflakes are just walking around. I think I should tell them that the inability to breathe with a mask, with minimal physical effort, is a clear symptom of illness.


Hey, whatever works, right?

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