10 12

Tell me honestly. You've all thought this, right???

TheoryNumber3 8 May 16

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Or almost as weird. Lol

Unity Level 8 May 17, 2021


bobwjr Level 10 May 17, 2021

No, normal people think I hope we have an enjoyable time.

Gee thanks. It must be nice to be normal


I don't feel comfortable with people that are too perfect.

You'd be incredibly comfortable with me 🙂


Yea... they can't just be weird... they need to be weird in the say ways that I'm weird. Some of those other types of weird are just too weird for me.


I must confess I identify a lot with this feeling. It often comes down to hoping their eccentricities match up well with mine.

@StarvingArtist I'm willing to settle for someone who is reasonably physically attractive to me, has some common interests, and matching neuroses for mine, lol!

I'm willing to settle for someone I actually want to see a second time.

@TheoryNumber3 I've gone thru dry spells where I began to feel the same way. The best, and funniest line on that issue, was one I saw a video clip of a woman saying it on the late nite reality dating show, Blind Date, which I think was on Bravo or We TV network. She said, "I just want to meet and date someone I don't want to kill at the end of the day".....

@TomMcGiverin That's a good trick.

@TheoryNumber3 Yup, setting the bar low is sometimes a good least if you're just interested in something short term...


Yep, but more like “be weird differently”.

but compatibly weird, right?

@TheoryNumber3 Absolutely. The kind of weird that complements my weird and makes my weird a better weird.

@MsKathleen That's not weird at all 🙂 I totally get it


So many unique and interesting people in the world, the boring mud people are pretty easy to spot and avoid but you have to be willing to bend a little for the sort of people that are weird like you but not exactly the same sort of weird. I can't imagine how horrible it would be to have a relationship with someone quite like myself.

LMAO! I know exactly what you mean. I can't even get along with me.

@TheoryNumber3 Sounds a bit schizophrenic to me, like the old saying, "You're never alone with a schizophrenic"...


It doesn't work, my weird is unique and lonesome.

My weird seems to be the same. 😟

Someone described it once as simultaneously seeking solitude while fighting loneliness. Nailed it!!


Huh...? No.

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