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Every day I drive by a sign in someone's yard that says "one way" and it has an arrow pointing up. Inside that arrow is the word "Jesus." To a believer that says everything, but it only works if we have a flat earth. If the earth was circular which way would be up and what would "up" mean?

DenoPenno 9 May 17

Enjoy being online again!

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It is true that the earth itself may have something that directs a certain type of needle towards a slightly movable point on earth, but space has no such facility. Space travelers when they get back to earth have to go though a period when their brain is continually saying "Which way is up" . A spaceship has devices which orientate the brain but if the brain gets itself into a situation where the spaceship has left it behind [Do remember to close the airlock door behind you],then you really do not know "Which way is up?" . I presume you would be able to work out some fixed direction, but it will still be very hard for you. Not a nice death - but a heavenly one.

Spit. Up is the opposite direction. I was reading that spitting will show you which way to dig to get out of an avalanche.
Spitting wouldn't work in space of course.


If you think that you have an invisible friend in the sky, who dwells in an invisible realm which you will be able to access after death, who does not mind you drinking his blood and eating his flesh, and will change himself into bread and wine so that you can do so, how hard is it to believe the earth is flat ?

Not very hard for a lot of people and they claim earth is covered by a dome. Don't fly the airplane too high or you might hit it. Do not believe science. Only goat herders who got their info from god.

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