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I am so sick of Facebook and their censorship. Especially after something has been posted for many months or even a year or 3... I was banned again for 7 days for a post I made back in December of last year. Yes, it was a bit dirty, but it was funny as hell. I merely shared a meme that someone else had posted. Anyways, I figured I would share with you all. I much prefer this site overall due to the laid-back and easy going vibes. So if you are prudish don't view this. If you are demented like me then by all means enjoy! 😁

Ceaselessmind 7 June 11

Enjoy being online again!

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What a pair of balls...sensational.


Sorry. Too implausible and unrealistic to take seriously. More grotesque than anything else and not funny to me.


7 days? You are an Amateur!


I am surprised it can fly.


Karen the bald eagle.


Facebook is an opportunity for people with no life to convince others that they do have a life.


That's funny.


I recently commented on FB that "Republicans would kill that bill..." and their not-so-intelligent artificial intelligence flagged the word "kill" as against their values, or something like that. I protested (which, I guess, brought it up to a human to consider) and they relented.

mischl Level 8 June 11, 2021

I find the censorship at Facebook is very inconsistent. And yes, I too have been in "facebook jail" for something posted over a yer earlier. Also for reposting something that had already been posted on Facebook, yet nothign happened to the person who originally posted it.

I've seen a lot worse than what you posted. So yeah, they are very inconsistent.


Facebook is also extremely biased. They'll let the maga trumphumpers say anything they want but as soon as someone claps back they get the ban.

I dropped Facebook on New Years. Haven't looked back.

redhog Level 7 June 11, 2021

This is very true, redhog. Facebook got all over me when I answered a Trumper who had balls enough to post his junk on my page. By posting on my page he asked for what he got. The sniveling coward reported me.

@DenoPenno that's what they do. They're the true snowflakes


They restrict my access once every few weeks. All I do is predict which politicians will die when. Many have come true even to my surprise. I suppose they don't like the truth tellers. I don't hide anything. This is my profile picture.


Funny stuff. I got booted for calling a Donald Drumpf supporter ugly inside and out.


Yet trump Jr. is still allowed to post his bullshit.


Now we know why they are nearly extinct


I would say that you earned the censorship.

The post puts me in mind of the oomigooly bird.


Welcome to Suckerberg's financial moralistic paranoia.


Disgracebook is a complete waste of time. I would never bother with that or whimpstagram or twatter.

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