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Turing Test, history, AIs, and other off the wall speculation: []

Druvius 8 June 22

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The Turing test is based on the idea that a machine with artificial intelligence would think in a way indistinguishable for a human. But we think the way we do because of our biological nature. Is it rational for a mechanical machine to act like a biological machine? I don't think so. We are irrationally anthropomorphizing machines. I think that if machines ever reached sentient status they would still act like machines not humans.


The question might be whether people are have intelligence? Can people pass a Turing test? Which ones and why would some fail? Which is to say that the level of intelligence people wield probably varies enormously with quite a few operating entirely on instinct.

On a quasi-related note: Circa 1975, A close friend gave me a hand-made board game called Star Empire with a set of lead spaceships, scoring sheets, instructions and dice. I played with neighbors a few times and refined the rules. Shortly thereafter, Commodore came out with the Vic 20, a computer you hooked up to your TV and which could be programmed in Basic. Being fond of programming, I set out to make a computer game based on using this primitive system. The system improved slightly with the compatible Commodore 64, and I continued to adapt the game, learning programming and computer subtleties. While the game didn't translate 100%, I eventually published and sold the game.

I learned that quite a bit of what we take to be human can be programmed and simulated.
I could also see that with a bit of work, one could develop programs that would write software that could be added to existing programs, and thus enable them to learn, or to mimic learning...

I was shocked to learn Iā€™m a robot when I failed the are you a robot quiz and denied access to a web site.

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