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People constantly say millenials are the most entitled people, but I don't get it.

We just want the same opportunities the older generations had. We want our wages to actually cover cost of living. We want to be able to afford college. We want healthcare.

Tuition for college has rose over 1500% since 1975. Wages have been stagnant for 20 years. The cost of living is three times average wages. A house that was 20k in the 80s is now 160k. Jobs are cutting back to avoid paying benefits. They're abusing interns. Insurance is skyrocketing.

Most millenials work 2 or more jobs and still can't afford to survive. Why is it entitlement to be angry about that? How on earth is it considered 'lazy'?

I get so angry at people that call millenials entitled.

LadyAlyxandrea 8 Apr 19

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As a disABLEd Deaf single woman with dyslexia, ADD and dyscalculia I was kicked out, of all places, from Gallaudet University who did not realize I had learning disabilities. So, every time able bodied people tell me that "Go back to college and get a degree." I want to slap them. Try to go to a fast paced college with sucky teachers who don't want to help you and put up with different interpreters with health problems, then come back to me and talk to me. Otherwise, LadyAlyxandrea is 100% accurate of how today's vigorously controlled civilization with hiking up prices to live, to eat, for education and health care --- it's so glaringly obvious! I have to pay all of my medicine out of pocket because nearly useless health insurance will not pay for them and then people wonder why I have no life as all my money goes to rent, medical bills, dental bills, vet bill for my service dog. People assume, even other Deaf elites look down at me and wonder why I am on SSDI - I haveto in order to just survive and it's still not enough with exhorbant rent prices. I tried to get my own house with roommates but brokers always turn me down even though I have great credit. Section 8 is a joke! Everytime pay raises, rent goes up too. So back to square one, no savings, no retirement as they count every penny you have. Then it's no wonder I am constantly stressed out as I figure how to survive as I have not yet found a permanent housing that isn't going to wipe my humble earnings. Fibromyalgia and Hashimoto's flare ups prevents me from working full-time which I really resent. So, before people go judging me, get the facts first. But I've noticed even when I tell the facts, they disbelieve me! My own mother kicked me out of the house to my shock - she has severe OCD & has Paranoia Suspicious Disorder. But guess what, it's not her house! It's my brother's! He is paying for the mortgage, she doesn't pay for the rent but just for the utility bills. Now she bought a new HUGE house in Florida at 73 years old - my brother is worried in how she's going to manage. I cannot believe he even let her buy it. So it's ironic, now she is in her old age and is in denial not realizing how seriously difficult it is to pay the bills with a low retirement income. My father and his wife will move to Ecuador where property tax is only $1,000.00 compared to Miami is $10,000 a year! I tried to get a tiny house to own but no, friggin' Columbus, OH city forbids trailers or tiny house on wheels or even on a foundation in this city! I tried every which why to find affordable housing according to my humble income to no avail. After become houseless so many times - I realized it's a serious epidemic all over the world. I'm so grateful I found a stable part-time job at a community college doing what I love to do: ASL Teacher Assistant. I refuse to move anywhere else now that I have this perfect job that is not draining to my sensitive body. Housing is a birthright, not a privilege~ food is a birthright.... shit, we pay for clean water now a days. It's going to get worse as people struggle to just survive for basic human needs. Should NOT be this way at all. Thanks for mentioning this important topic.

I am sorry you are struggling so much I completely feel you. I'm not deaf but I have schizophrenia and dyslexia and dyscalculia, ptsd, neurological diseases and I struggle. I have a great full time job and a part time and I live with my parents I can't afford to live on my own, plus my physical disability makes it difficult. Ugh

@LadyAlyxandrea -- It is really tough --- I forgot that I have PTSD too. Have you ever tried neurofeedback to reduce the symptoms? It's fantastic but insurance don't cover it of course. So happy you have a F/T job. I know what you mean of how (outrageously) expensive it is these days to rent. Grateful your parents are supportive though. Thanks again for your comments...


What you describe isn't what I'd call entitlement but basic rights.

To me, entitlement is that new hire, fresh out of high school, who thinks they should walk right into management with no experience, either as a manager or in the industry/company in question. Yet, I watched exactly that happen.

It's that attitude that you deserve something you have not paid for or earned. It's expecting to get paid for not working while at a job... expecting to not get fired for same. THAT is entitlement.

Asking for a decent wage? Asking that there are jobs out there to compete for? Asking that health costs don't bankrupt you? Those aren't requests to be entitled. They are just pointing out how the government has decided to let us down.


I think millenials get a raw deal, Things were so much easier 40 years ago, and I think my parents had it even better had they stopped to think about things.


It's gaslighting and shifting blame onto the victims of a system that feeds the entitled 1%. Repeating the claims against your generation endlessly is how they get the mindless droves you believe them and continue to funnel money to the top while working against their own interests.

Helga Level 4 Apr 19, 2018

I wonder where all this comes from, as it seems to happen whenever a new label is devised for a particular generation. Could it be that it's a way to keep generations from getting together and making progress? Could it be that this crap is only meant to divide us, so that oligarchs can more easily assert their control over us, by keeping wages low, for example, or... causing the decline of labor unions?

I think it's just a refusal to accept change, as well as a dislike of letting go of control


As a Gen-X'er, I'm routinely baffled by my contemporaries who do this. How quickly they've forgotten how much we were typecast and stereotyped, the incessant grief we were all given at that age, and how we were puportedly destroying everything around us.

It's the bully-perpetuation mindset; "people did it to me, therefore I should do it to others as well". When I look at the staggering amounts of bad that the younger generations have had to deal with -- things that, at that age, my generation could never imagine happening in their worst nightmares -- I wouldn't wish it on anyone... I am routinely amazed by the strength and resiliance shown by Millenials to persevere, and make the world a better place.

tmaaz Level 5 Apr 19, 2018

Ironically, it’s the baby boomers who say that... the ACTUAL most entitled people on the planet.


Every generation shits on the younger generation. It’s stupid. I can’t be the only one noticing this.


"The children now love luxury. They have bad manners, contempt for authority; they show disrespect for elders and love chatter in place of exercise." - Socrates


The only exposure I really have to Milennials is my own children. From a parental perspective, yes, they are both lazy and entitled. LOL! But I think that's true of virtually all offspring. They love staying at Hotel Mom & Dad. Here's an article I haven't read all the way thru, but that supposedly debunks many of the myths surrounding this topic: []


You have every right to be angry. Criminals have taken over the US government and they are literally killing people by denying social services, wage hikes, and by reventing government agencies from assuring clean air, water, and soil. is working toward a constitutional amendment that will eliminate PACs, retract corporate citizenship, and perhaps make elections fair. However, there is a massive military-industrial complex with paranoid tendencies that must be reigned in, and made to serve the people instead of the wealthy. We have way too many prisoners, police are out of control, and many district attorneys care more about winning than justice.

The people who want to be executives are often the kind of controling SOBs that rape, steal and kill. This capitalist society has some serious issues to remedy, and AFAIK no one has any idea how to fix them. In addition, automation will take all jobs before long. We are less than a decade away from cars that drive themselves, which means taxi services will be very inexpensive. People will take taxis rather than own a car Millions of drivers will loose their jobs. That's just one industry, electric vehicles are super reliable, and the auto-mechanic industry will be decimated within a decade or two. All jobs will go to automation. Social services must provide for people; otherwise, most of humanity will starve. And, climate change is looming.

Your generation will be called upon as none in history to change in ways we cannot imagine. There is no guarantee it will be peaceful. It's virtually certain you will live in interesting times. Keep a good diary and you may one day write a book.


Agreed. In my experience Boomers are insanely entitled. Sometimes I think they're just angry that other people expect to be treated with respect and humanity as well.


And those single mums hogging two jobs so someone else can't get one !!!!!!


I feel damned sorry for millenials. When I tell them there were 4 kids, mom never worked, yet dad was a simple milkman, and we had a nice house & car, they look at me like I must have dementia...and this was only about 60 years ago.


I'm going to be 50 this year, and I've heard older people bitch about younger generations all my life. When I was just getting out of high school, mine was the generation that didn't know what it was to work, had everything handed to us, and didn't appreciate what we had.

I think there are a number of reasons why we, in the general sense of we, denigrate younger generations. The big one is jealousy, there's only one thing you have that we don't and cannot acquire. That's youth! We wasted it for the most part and some of us get pissed because of that.

Ignore those old fucks and do your thing. They won't be around long unless your generation replaces them.

JimG Level 8 Apr 19, 2018

There is nothing wrong with Millenials as a whole that isn't also wrong with every generation before them. Folks who like to put down Millenials are short-sighted at best, and downright hypocrites at the worst.


Don't know what to tell you. I'm a Gen-X kid and I'm 150% in your corner.

Look on the bright side. All the Reagan era, greed is good, me first and fuck everyone else assholes are old and almost dead. When they're finally burning in hell where they belong, your generation can fix this mess and leave the world a better place for your kids than we left it for you.


What they started by screwing over GenX is now coming to its fruition with millennials. The difference is millennials have the energy to do something about it. I will cheer them on as they do so.


You have to work fof it like we had to. want to be at the top without the patience.


These people are just making excuses for global warming and all the other problems in our society to make themselves feel better about the legacy they are leaving the millenials.

godef Level 7 Apr 19, 2018
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