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You can keep your bible and pious sayings. We have exploding embryo planets leaving diamonds,

Ants exploding into super toxic goo killing themselves and enemies;

And finally, humans, 5000 years ago, practiced brain surgery on this cow.


Take that Adam and Eve and the apple!

Angelface 7 Apr 20

Enjoy being online again!

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Where did all the women come from for their children to marry and procreate? There is no menetion of them!

That is because it was a patriarchal society. I guess if Eve was an afterthought, from Adam's rib; then they were a miracle temporarily brought in for procreation and then whisked back out. But not until they cleaned the house and cooked a meal!


Damn, ant suicide bombers, I think it has more to do with their hive mind than because they are delusional fanatics.

Very good!


Well, that was fun & good stuff, thanks❣?☺
Even the nutjobs were funny?

Emme Level 7 Apr 20, 2018

Is thd cow still alive ?   lol

I don't think it made it thru, sadly. They believe that humans were practicing trepanation as it was used at the time for medical and religious ailments.

@Angelface Yhe cow was religious ???

@Angelface Trepanation where the hole bored into the head produces pleasant throbs rather than a headache. Got cha. But then if they bore too deep . . . . . . . .

@DenoPenno I find it interesting what humans were up to, medical ideas and practices, etc.; 5000 years ago.

@Angelface I used to read all that in the Enquirer years ago and I had several books on such subjects.

@DenoPenno And are you any closer to the truth of the matter ?

@VAL3941 No, and neither were the writers.

@DenoPenno So be it then !

@VAL3941 Evidently our ancestors weren't all hanging about the cave grunting and practicing their thigh bone tosses. I wonder how we will be assessed 5000 years from now and by whom.

@Angelface I am not sure there will be no one left on this earth to assess us the way things are going. In any case, who cares I will not be here anyway ! 5000 years ???


Awesome! I tweeted the links.


Ah, the age old contrast between knowing and believing.

Don Level 5 Apr 20, 2018

I wonder if that exploring embryo planet was the same one that struck the earth and give birth to the moon.

According to government whistle blowers I've read about for decades, there used to be a super planet that ended up destroying itself with too much advanced AI, but some 18-foot tall survivors made it to earth and inhabited the earth millions of years ago.

The moon is actually artificial, and part of an even more advanced race's "planet seeding" drones they sent out to get planets like earth seeded with life and developing intelligent life.

See the documentary, "Unacknowledged" on Netflix and YouTube to see videos of astronauts, US presidents, NSA agents and scientists discussing some of the things our government knows, but keeps classified.

@birdingnut LOL

@HeathenFarmer Watch it before you scoff. It even shows Hillary and Obama admitting it. Or just go back to sleep.

@birdingnut Selected clip out of context, sounds like those bad hair guys on "Ancient Aliens," LOLA.

According to the article, there were dozens of such embryos. Some were sucked into the sun or catapulted further into space or became parts of the other planets.

@birdingnut and that's why they're on Netflix.

@Angelface It's amazing the snow job the US government has done on the American public. UFO sightings relentlessly deleted from the internet, mockery, etc. Now most US citizens associate aliens and UFO sightings with trailer parks and fraud. Weird. Yet I've seen so many UFOs in the US and in Haiti, always with witnesses and sometimes entire groups of people. I've seen the weirdest spaceships ever..apparently some made our own government. Bunch of government spin liars

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