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I appreciate all the support I’ve received on here . It’s been 5 years since my deconversion. I’ve went thru many stages. First was fear I made wrong decision and shame and many things in between.

Today I’m at maybe the final stage to where I just want to tell the pastors or person pushing god just how stupid they are and to lash into them with facts about all the absurdity in the Bible.

I’m mad that my free thought was taken away and I was basically forced at gunpoint to think a certain way.

A free mind that doesn’t judge is a wonderful thing and I feel that I missed out on so much having a closed religious mind.
Thanks for letting me vent

abyers1970 7 Aug 28

Enjoy being online again!

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Your anger is entirely justified. Try to focus on how much you have gained by deconverting as opposed to how much you missed out on.

Hear! Hear!

Great advice. I will never allow the religious people to poison my kids with their teachings on hell and homophobia though. When they try to teach that to my kids then it’s time to fight back


Share memes with them. They're easy to copy and put in emails.

it’s so funny you have a George Carlin meme. This video of his was one thing that started my deconversion process.

@abyers1970 I've watched that many times. I followed his demise - and sadly I think some people let him pass before his time with neglect...but I have no proof and we can only appreciate him now through memes and video thanks for sharing this one. Here's more from GC.


Religion is a pillar of tyranny.


The teaching of what to think instead of how to think is done by those who suffer from crippling personal insecurity. At its extreme, that insecurity manifest as being terrified of anybody who thinks or feels differently in any way. The idea that their claims about their god might be wrong frightens them into stupidity.

Lashing out at such people simply drives them deeper into their own dear-based irrationality, and I am perfectly happy to lash out at them in that fashion as payback for what they did to me as a child and for what I see them as doing today to others, this when they try to foist their nonsense onto those others.

God: "Vengeance in mine". Me: "No asshole, vengeance is mine!"

One of my favorite readings is the Tao Te Ching. It teaches the first step to wisdom is to unlearn everything we’ve been taught. Of course there is some good we should keep but unlearn all the Opinions we’ve been taught. It also teaches us to clear our minds of all thoughts and to see things as they are and not as we think they are. I’ve been doing that and experience more joy in my life.

It’s always odd to me when you have a discussion with them and start throwing out facts that they always get mad and end conversation

@abyers1970 I see that as merely confirming their mental defectiveness.


You are welcome there. I would not lash out, after all they are in the same boat as you used to be once. Just let them be.

Madam, you are a better person than I.

@anglophone Probably not. Just speaking from experience. Lashing out only made me more angry and it was not good for me. Bugger them.

@Jolanta Thanks for sharing that. Yes, stirring up old bad memories can do that.


I am happy you have made this journey!
Now, take the final step & Let Go, otherwise they still have power over you!


Continue to gain strength in the knowledge that we will be here to listen and encourage. Nobody is in control of your mind except yourself.


I understand how you feel. I've been angry also thinking I was deceived into religion by my parents, but they did not know. They were brought into the ignorance that most of us are taught and they taught me. This all happens because of ignorance. People want to believe that some book written in stages so many years ago has all the answers. How would that be so? There are so many absurdities in the bible. Best of luck to you, and keep in mind that we all make our own luck.


It's never too late!!!


I see you’re from GA, you have my sympathy.....😔

I am trying to overcome my raising. It’s been hard but I’m committed to it.

@abyers1970 My ex wife is from GA, so I spent many holidays in the Bible Belt. I like to say there ain’t nothing in GA but white supremacists, bugs, and She likes the place for no other reason than she’s a native I reckon....👀

@Buck She must live in South Ga. I live in the North Ga mountains. Huge difference in North and South Georgia in all ways. It’s very pretty up here. Lots of old timers but everything is changing with all the people moving in. I love Georgia but hope the old time thinking disappears

@Buck I struggled myself with white supremacy. People just don’t realize that it’s burned into you as a child to look down at black folks in the South I never understood it as a child how you could hate someone who never did anything to you. I’ve tried very very hard to eliminate that kind of thinking and I feel through hard work and dedication that I’ve ridden myself of racist thinking. It wasn’t easy and I was ashamed of some of my thoughts but when you are raised a certain way it’s hard to change it without hard work and dedication

She was from Gray, about a half hour north of Macon. Much of her family was from the Savannah and Warner Robins areas.

Don’t think I’ve ever visited north GA.....🤔


Welcome to a life of freedom from religion. Religion is based on guilt of sin and the fear of hell.

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