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I think Texas is eventually going to see a spike in the sale of metal coat-hangers.

Texas ban on virtually all abortions takes effect as U.S. Supreme Court stays silent

Dyl1983 8 Sep 2

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These laws never affect people with money, only the poor and lower middle class. The folks with money will find a doctor for the right price, go to another state, or even another country like when l was young.


So when are the Fuckwits of Texas going to start prosecuting God for all the abortions (a.k.a. miscarriages) that He causes?

One of the hateful aspects of this bill is that it leaves open the prosecution of someone who miscarries, forcing her to prove that she did not orchestrate an abortion.

@Lauren Guilty until proven innocent.


Here's the thing....''abortion pills'' can be mailed in plain brown wrappers from California (for example) to women in Texas. Not a 100% perfect system...but better than nothing!


What about RU486, which can end a pregnancy up to 10 weeks after conception? Wouldn’t this be a reasonable alternative for a woman and her doctor to consider?


That is just horrible. Many women will die.

It was a bunch of abortions that passed that abortion bill.


Or these instruments...


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