What religion were you originally steeped in?
I was raised Mormon.
Theoretical I was raised a christian until one day in 1974, I had an epiphany that really
Made sense to me, and things have ro make
Sense ro me! I was told something by my Father who in now deceased rhT convience me even more.
I was raised Southern Baptist, was a "born-again" Christian from age 15 to 20, but deconverted as a college student after realizing that nearly everything I'd been taught about Christianity and the Bible were either lies or just didn't make sense.
Catholic school for 8 years...religion classes every day, mass twice a week, etc. It never took. I thought it was all ridiculous from the time I was around 8. Thankfully I have supportive parents. They are fine with my beliefs. Unfortunately tho I live in the "buckle" of the bible belt. Hard to express myself and to be honest...?
I was raised/trained/indoctrinated a Seventh-day Adventist, and went only to their schools all the way through college. Even taught for them for a few years. The notion that one's beliefs and the best verifiable evidence Should have a good degree of matching up, is what slowly took me out of my background. I reached the point where I realized I had been participating in repeatedly attempting to impose my beliefs on the evidence, instead of doing the honest opposite.
Seem to be quite a few of us exmos here. I like it.
I was an atheist since my first memory as a . Although, I did give all religions a chance, but I just could not feel it in my heart. Or, I thought it was BS.
My grandparents were Jehovah Witness but my mom got out of that early on. My stepdad was Southern Baptist and he and mom ended up Pentecostal, so my first church experiences were "full gospel." I lived with my grandparents before that but they never attended meetings.