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I was recently bullied and harassed by someone (rococn8) on here. I have tried to report them and have them removed but it doesn’t seem to be working. They need to be removed before they are allowed to repeat the same abusive behavior to others. I was upset about it. Any advice?

inigomontoya 6 Sep 13

Enjoy being online again!

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Well there are some rude people on this thread too... I guess when I said “any advice” they didn’t understand the implications of bullying. SMH. Sometimes a conversation devolves into a free for all attack of the black sheep. Why is that? Idk. Update: I have been trying to delete this post because people on here have wanted to critique my photo of myself. However I cannot seem to figure out where the button is. I keep getting tagged back into this. What a nightmare! I like some things (and people) about this app. This is not one of them... Harsh people on here


Stick around. If you think that was rude you haven't seen anything yet.


Ohferpetessake, grow a spine OR block him if you cannot! Whining is So unattractive......

Oh shut up

@inigomontoya oooohhhh, I think I see the problem.........

@AnneWimsey me too



FYI, his comments are not in anyway bullying. If you disagree you can block him.🙃


Suggesting that your profile pic is creepy is an understatement. Get over this truth or change your pic....👀

I didn’t ask for your opinion on my picture

Well you got it anyways. If you don’t like it, there’s this thing called a block button, I suggest you figure out how to use it...😊


Bullying is a continuous behavior.
His thread merely defends that he was commenting on the photo not on you. If you are here to find a partner, his advice might be worth taking. He probably didn't think you would take his humor so seriously

It actually WAS continuos. This is just a sample. He troll several of my posts.


Rude? Yes. Unwarranted? Yes. Dickhead comment? Yes. Kick-off-the-site offense? No.

Well. This is only a sample of the thing he said to me. He called me several names as well. Asshole bitch etc. It was unreal!

@inigomontoya Unfortunately, that’s par for the course on social media.

We can’t control what others do … but we can control the “block” function. I’ve made use of it myself and dramatically improved my experience of this site. I recommend the same.

I disagree. I would boot them. Absolutely

@Apunzelle I see your point about “par for the course” but why can’t it be a kinder community? What can I do to contribute to a more positive mindset? People don’t know me. They don’t know the struggles and pain and stress I’ve been going through in the last few weeks. They don’t realize one of my best friends was murdered. She was a 79 year old lady who I looked at like my Mom. I have no family nearby. She was one of my closest friends. So I am ANGRY. I look angry. I feel angry. People judge. They want you to change your picture. well... fuckoff!! I will post whatever pics I feel like posting. Self expression is important. Burying your feelings and emotions is unhealthy

@inigomontoya All that may be true, but, alas, this is the world of the internet. No one knows what anyone else is going through. It’s impersonal. It can be quite unkind. It can be downright mean.

Would it be nice if people were kinder? Of course. But as we are unable to change everyone else out there, the only thing we can focus on is ourself. If the rudeness gets to be too much, your best bet is gonna be to a) block, b) ignore, or c) take some time away from the site.

One more thing: You killed my father. Prepare to die. 😂


My advice is block him…I’ve not done it often, but sometimes for your own peace of mind it’s the only option.


Get another picture.

I didn’t ask for your opinion on whether or not you liked my picture

@inigomontoya This is a good example of how you misinterpret comments. I did not say whether or not I liked your picture, although I can and will have an opinion irrespective of whether you ask for it.

You asked for advice and I gave you some. Everything is not a direct attack on you, even if it feels like it. Proceed with your own agenda without regard for others, provided you are not harming anyone.


Racoon8 has long been an uncivil boor incapable of civil discourse.

Hmm. Interesting. Yeah I suspected he had some kind of past with other people as well. He should be booted.


Block the person. The site management appears to be missing. This site is a ship adrift at sea sadly, I believe.

ok that is very helpful. Apparently this site has no real leadership.


You can block members that annoy you. They will never know, you will have peace of mind.


Interpersonal skills are not guaranteed for any on this forum. I don't think he was being appropriate but what is anyone going to do about it? The @admin seems to have been missing in action for quite a long time.

ok thanks. That is helpful to know

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