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The Truth About “Critical Race Theory, Part I”

The outcry in many southern locations in the American south is nothing more than a long honored and nefarious tradition of deliberate misinformation extending back at least 200 years. In the early 1800s, as criticism of slavery began to mount considerably in the north, southern politicians and spokespersons began a counter-campaign of misinformation.

These southerners created the opposing myth of the benevolent slave-owners who provided housing and sustenance for the lazy blacks in simple exchange for their labor. They tried to say that these Blacks would starve if it were not for these king gentlemen. In the same period the Southern Baptist Convention broke away from the larger American Baptist Church to provide a purported religious defense of slavery. And these southern leaders began counter campaign to spread the false image of how people and politicians in the north were trying to vilify and demean the southern culture – successfully trying to create anger and resistance in the south. . This led directly to southerners beginning the Civil War. Those are the facts.

After they lost the Civil War, southerners simmered in resentment. That grew as Reconstruction policies gave Blacks power in the south and when Congress proposed giving each former slave 40 acres and a mule, so that black families had a chance to make something of themselves and not be dependent. Southerners blocked that in Congress along with measures designed to aid in proper education of Blacks, aided by Andrew Johnson. To make sure Blacks were not properly educated, southerners made the post of district superintends of local school districts an elected post, so that they could make sure that the holders of that post insured that they did not provide equal education.
Then, after Reconstruction came the KKK to intimidate and to keep uppity Blacks in “their place.” That was followed by the “Black Code”, which made it impossible – by law – for Blacks to enter good paying professions. That was combined with the era of “Jim Crow” to create a system of racial segregation and Black oppression. In effect, that tried to make “Blackness” a permanent social caste above which one could rise – ever!!

wordywalt 9 Oct 5

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And now having problems with that racism the last 70+ years has seen the introduction of a new hatred for Americans to pursue - communism.
First the Russian variety to which the Chinese variety has been added.
Sarcasm warning:
Oh how wonderful is that kettle busy calling the pot black!

The United States has always had ample reason to oppose communism. Iave seen the practice of communism and its effects in East Berlin. I have also studied the idelology, struture, and practice of communism and their effects. Communism is a total ideology which establishes a dictatorship by an ideological elite which will never voluntarily relinquish its power. The Russian experience proved that.

@wordywalt Walt, what Do you think the non American world thinks of the US in it having caused millions of deaths around the world to satisfy its greedy consumption of oil, minerals and drugs?

@FrayedBear Your "change the topic" response does nothing to either respond to my comments about comm7unism and its effects. You do not seem to want to engage in real dialogue, but seem simply want to argue in an inane game of who can get in the last response.

@wordywalt and you choose to be obtuse.


To explain this from something I remember from the Obama election. A young voter said that he was not a racist at all. It was just that he did not feel that "darkie" belonged in the White House.


What you post is correct, but does not explain CRT.

CRT is a t4erm created by the legal community. It bears no resemblance to how southern truth deniers use the term.

@wordywalt You still have not even started to explain CRT.

@Alienbeing look it up on google. Do some research for yourself.

@wordywalt You missed the point, and you sure are rude. The POINT is the title of your post is "The Truth about Critical Race Theory Part I" yet you never discuss what CRT is, nor did you suggest any truth.

Your comments have nothing to do with your title.

Last, how does it feel to be a grouchy old fart?

@Alienbeing you mic dropped his ass and walked off the stage, nice.


Wants some dressing for that word salad? Do you have any kind of concept of linear time? CRT is an ideology rooted in Marxism that essentially purports all of the inequalities we have are a result of systemic racism, which is a useless canard that wipes away individual agency. CRT is an abrogation of the Civil Rights which upheld transcendental ideas like judging people on the content of their character, not the color of their skin. CRT’s foundation is all about judging and categorizing people based on race. Most of all, it is anti-white

You could not be more incorrect. Either you are deliberately not telling the truth or simply do not know what you are talking about. Either way, you embarrass yourself

@wordywalt He’s a Trumpanzee.

Well, this is America so having a racist POV is as expected as air. Thanks for example.

@redbai if you think that way, why not leave America?

@CuddyCruiser not an argument

@wordywalt no. It is you who has zero grasp of what CRT is. Confession through projection on your part

@Heavykevy1985 As I have told you before, it's more productive and fun to point out people like you given that you have no defense or credible commentary to back up your opinions.

@redbai I don't expect everyone to be racist ad I certainly do not condone it.

@wordywalt I don't expect everyone to be racist either. It's just that @Heavykevy1985 has demonstrated that he is just that on numerous occasions on this platform, thus expected.

@redbai no. Confession through projection on your part. You can access the internet anywhere with a good connection. If you think that nation is a racist hellscape, why not leave?

@Heavykevy1985 poke


They don't want their roots in racism revealed

They don’t even want to admit they’re racists....😒

@Buck cowards are exactly that!

@bobwjr @wordywalt @Buck @ CuddyCruiser


This is what conservative opponents of critical race theory don't want you to know - Raw Story - Celebrating 17 Years of Independent Journalism



Those right wingers would probably be opposed to kids reading "To Kill a Mocking Bird."


I was born in Georgia in 1970. I was looking back the other day thinking how racism was really bad in my state in the1970s and still is today. It’s getting better but it’s still very much here under the radar. Growing up you are pretty much indoctrinated into racism and unless you really want to work hard to break out of that mindset you won’t. You really have to be a seeker of the truth

My ex wife is a Ga native, and bought fully into the fake premise that the south was fighting for States rights....👀
To this day she seems to think Ga is a lovely State....🤨

The State itself is quite lovely, all the white supremacists and right wing nutters, not so much....

@Buck Wear some of these……it’ll drive ‘em crazy!!


Racism started back then and has continued to this day.

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