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Some parents can be so cruel when choosing names for their children.

SnowyOwl 8 Oct 10

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So they named him Idlewild?


Famed for the quip, “Ask not what the rich and well-born can do for you; ask what you can do for the rich and well-born.”

Did he come up with that line, or did his daddy hire someone to write it for him?

@BD66 In the 1787 Constitutional Convention, Hamiltion said the rich and well-born should govern. James Madison wrote AH’s view into Volume One of his notes. The three volumes are online at “Records of the 1787 Federal Convention”. I wrote AH’s words into JFK’s infamous quote.


Named after an airport.
Went on to become President.
What a coincidence!

BD66 Level 8 Oct 10, 2021

All the more impressive, that he rose to such heights while being burdened with being named after an airport. 😀

@SnowyOwl A less famous man was named for Cincinnati’s historic Lunken airport. In the also-historic 1937 Ohio River flood, the airport was under water.

@yvilletom So only for seaplanes?

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