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Millenials are fucking deadbeats... I was just 20 when I bought my first house.

SYRACUSE, N.Y. - In a real-life case of "Failure to Launch," an upstate New York judge Tuesday ordered a 30-year-old man to move out of his parents' house after they went to court to have him ejected. State Supreme Court Justice Donald Greenwood rejected that as outrageous, the Post-Standard of Syracuse reported

Dyl1983 8 Oct 14

Enjoy being online again!

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Tour expressions of vulgarity and lack of civility show who is the least civil and moral.

@Dyl1983 From you, that response is all that can be expected.


Don't generalize! I'm sure there's 1 or 2% that are ok.


Well that’s a sweeping statement of an entire generation.

PS – Link didn’t work.


I recall you bragging about never having worked a day in your life.

@Dyl1983 That’s a truly horrifying experience. Holy cow.

Now, please don’t take this as belittling what you experienced …it’s not at all my intention. If you bought a house with money from a legal settlement, it’s not fair to say someone else is a deadbeat for not working to have the finances to buy a house. There’s simply no comparison.

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