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Why would anyone want to be a vegetarian. Not fair to plants. They are alive right. I mean a cow can run a plant can't. You animal's.

Mokvon 8 Apr 21

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you could just not eat.
Ecology is an amazing study.
Plants need animals to eact them or if not lots of things to decompose them, herbivores do better with carnivores around. The alternative is stagnation. Ever seen a stagnant pond? or a large city?


Ok, it was posted as silly stuff... I'll give you that much...


"Although plants don't have nerves, plant cells are capable of generating electrical impulses called action potentials, just as nerve cells in animals do. In fact, all biological cells are electrical. ... It doesn't matter if it's an animal or plant cell—it's general chemistry."Jul 16, 2010. (

In other words, humans must consume electrical impulses whether that is created by nerves or action potentials. We subsist by eating live things, period. As we discover again, Native American/First Nation people have it right to be thankful for every item that gave up life so we can go on.


I have recently been working on a Plant based diet. Why, I have spent some time reading things like the 'China Study' and several documentarys like 'Food Choices' and 'before the flood' with Leonardo DiCaprio. There is significant evidence that the raising in mass animals for consumption and the land used for their grazing and the amount of corn used to feed them and the area that takes is very detrimantal for Climate Change and is reasonably reversable.


all life needs respect and has a place


Live has evolved to draw sustenance from other living things. From an evolutionary standpoint, it makes sense. This way nature doesn’t have to invest any more energy in making life possible. From a ‘humane’ standpoint, especially as the human mind has evolved to sense compassion and empathy, well, not-so-much. But we can treat our food with dignity, and be grateful for how it sustains us—living within our system, while recognizing that life needs life to sustain life.


Yeah! what is it with those cows? theyre all vegetarian right? chomping all day on that poor defenceless grass! And rabbits. pretending they like lettuce but wtf?! ive seen Monty Python's Holy Grail and those rabbits eat people FACT!!!!! 😉

@FortyTwo your mother was a hamster and your father smelt of elderberrys!!!

@FortyTwo awesome! 🙂 I think we need a Monty Python Group


Ah another one of those people that only eats things dropped by a tree or plant, all the best in your endeavours!


Don't understand what your point is?

Ummm, yeah. I'm with you. What is the point?

@sassygirl3869 @Palindromeman Humor? Irony?

@EllenDale I'll just grab a steak - medium rare - with a glass of zinfandel.


And if yoy followed another post you will know a cows brain can be operated on, but not a plants !

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