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Just one more reason as to why I have become a misanthrope.


Gwendolyn2018 9 Oct 21

Enjoy being online again!

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Jefferson Parish Sheriff Office issued a statement on Wednesday saying the video had been “selectively edited.” The statement asserted that Arnold was intoxicated and that she had been resisting arrest. This is the kind of attitude that led to Minneapolis Precinct being burned to the ground. I hope it happens in Jefferson Parish with all those fuckers inside.


It's just a sign up page. Washington Post has a firewall.
Maybe a different source?

Or summarize?

@Gwendolyn2018 i may have just hit my limit. You do get to read a couple a month free.


Misanthrope? The OED says you dislike humankind and avoid human society.

It’s a temporary condition and you’ll get over it.


Well, I grant you that many humans make me feel that way, but not all. This is definitely messed up, but he did save us the cost of a trial.

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