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It needs more love.....

Dhiltong 8 Oct 23

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Be careful what you wish for
Be careful what you worship.

Worship is a word that has many meanings, look it up. Other that that I haven’t a clue of what you’re implying......

@Dhiltong Words are notoriously ambiguous and can be given many meanings. Lots of wish fulfilments end up by being disappointments. Worship of things like celebs is getting out of hand and the celebs can be mentally damaged.

All these can be avoided by thinking with empathy. and science.

@Dhiltong Dictionaries Differ. The truth lies in your experience.


Early in The Ethics Spinoza argues that there is only one substance, which is absolutely infinite, self-caused, and eternal. He calls this substance "God", or "Nature". In fact, he takes these two terms to be synonymous (in the Latin the phrase he uses is "Deus sive Natura" ).
[] › wiki

Word Level 8 Oct 23, 2021

Worship??? And you can't prove it exists to those who won't listen.

The word 'worship' has many meanings, look it up and choose the one that resonates.......

@Dhiltong So does the word 'prove'. And you never said "prove" to everyone.

I am listening , how do YOU prove it?

@Mcflewster Good question. I think therefore I am? What we take to be real or natural can be shown to be quite different from what we superficially perceive. Are you standing on one leg?

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