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November 5th? November 5th was the date that UK Parliment SHOULD have been blown up by Guy Fawkes... but nooo... he had to it all up by getting caught by Sir Thomas Knyvett.

Safe houses for Afghans who helped Canadian military and NGOs will be 'scaled back' on November 5th.


Dyl1983 8 Oct 27

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Off course why look after your allies when they are no longer useful.

On the other mater. It was perhaps a good thing for the followers of Fawkes and his buddies that the plot did fail. Catholics were a very small and distrusted, even hated, minority in England at the time, can you imagine the genocide and violent backlash that would have resulted had some of them really blown up the king and parliament. The reaction of the religious zealots among the protestant majority especially, would have been horrific. The whole plot was mad and ill conceived from the start.


A crying shame the Guy Fawkes was sold out by one his followers.
An even bigger crying shame that the U.S. and its Allies walked out of Afghanistan leaving their Afghani allies in the lurch.


January 6th is Americas Guy Fawkes day.
I'm sure in the future people will wear orange pig mask on Jan 6th in the US to celebrate the idiots failure.
Similar to what happens in the UK on Nov 5th.

And have big bonfires with roasted pork sausages.

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