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Eight dead, including teens, after a crowd surge at Travis Scott’s Astroworld Festival


TheoryNumber3 8 Nov 7

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Shows how out of touch I am. I didn't know, and still don't know, who Travis Scott is🤔


Why in the hell would so many people go to a huge concert with wall to wall people during a pandemic. It's pure insanity and maybe some will learn from this tragedy (but I doubt it).


I guess they never saw WKRP in Cincinnati.

Can you explain that? I haven’t seen it, either.

@Apunzelle They did an episode about the crushing deaths at a concert in Cinci in the late 70s.

@Apunzelle []


A senseless tragedy. On top of that, how could 50,000 people packed like sardines be allowed to happen during Covid?!?

It's Texass.


I read the headline on this story and the first thought that came to mind was the ending of the movie Chinatown - just change the names, the sentiment is the same.
Not gonna waste time looking for fucks to give.

I’m unfamiliar with that movie. Saying you have no fucks to give sounds heartless in light of the victims:

A 14-year-old, a 16-year-old, two 21-year-olds, two 23-year-olds, a 27-year-old, and a male whose age was unknown had died. At least 25 people were hospitalized, including five juveniles. A 10-year-old child was in critical condition.

@Apunzelle Only one of the best movies ever made.
Dectective hired by Mrs. Mulwray to expose her cheating husband instead finds curruption over water in CA(read up on Owens Valley water scam), evil sexual abuse by a powerful monied businessman and murder. In the end, well . . . . just see the movie.
Sure it sounds heartless, just tell me how do you stop this? NOT the first time people have been crushed, injured or killed at these types of venues. Then they complain the response was too slow or whatever - it's fucking Texass, the government has little or no interest in regulating ANYthing in the state - UNLESS it's a woman wanting to make her own medical decisions. The state lets 'em bake to death in the summer, freeze to death in the winter when the power grid fails, get a gun without a permit and carry it anywhere and how ever you want. The state passes a bill to by pass a Constitutional right and gives vigalanties the power and a bounty to after women and those that help her who exercise their Constitutional Right to get an abortion.

@Apunzelle Heartless is right.

@Druvius This is the problem... people who become inured to the atrocities and no longer care. These were people's children. It could just as easily happened in another state. Oh well.. just another bunch of children crushed to death. Who cares, right? I care... and the only way we can stop it is to continue to care.

@Apunzelle the parents should be held criminally liable.

@TheoryNumber3 It's especially sad to me the heartless comments based on the fact this occurred in Texas. So they would be sympathetic if it happened in a Blue State? I fear the left is becoming as heartless as the right, it's not a good look.

@TheoryNumber3 NEVER said I don't care! It's like thoughts and prayers, all the fucks in the world ain't gonna change the outcome until there is some sort of accountability until then it's just, "Forget it Jake, it's Chinatown".
Caring means getting involved, working to change the rules and the poeple who make them. I been trying to do that.

@Druvius I can't ague with that.

@silverotter11 Well it sure sounded like you basically said "Forget it, it's Texas"

@Druvius NEVER said I don't care! It's like thoughts and prayers, all the fucks in the world ain't gonna change the outcome until there is some sort of accountability until then it's just, "Forget it Jake, it's Chinatown".
Caring means getting involved, working to change the rules and the poeple who make them. I been trying to do that.
Stop with the fucking left right shit.

@TheoryNumber3 If you never saw the movie Chinatown it might seem that way.
I gave a short list of some of the weird shit happening in Texass. Both sides have issues, the power grid failures for example, the winter freeze where people froze to death is a direct result of no regulations.
Regulations are why we have child labor laws, which we did not get until the 1930's.


It's Texas they only care about profits, many places other than red states wouldn't have allowed that

Everything is about profits, Bob. Just follow the money.

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