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California town declares itself a ‘constitutional republic’ to buck Covid rules

Oroville’s city council adopted a resolution stating it would oppose state and federal orders that it deems to be government overreach.

Last year, Oroville refused to enforce state requirements prohibiting indoor dining. Butte county, where Oroville is located, declined to recommend a mask mandate earlier this fall, even as cases surged and a a local medical center reported treating more patients than at any other point during the pandemic.

In Butte county, fierce opposition to Covid lockdowns and school closures drove support for recalling the state’s governor, Gavin Newsom, with 51% of voters in the county backing the ultimately failed effort. Newsom’s policies, however, appear to have worked and the state had the lowest Covid infection rate in the US last month.

Leaders in the city of 20,000 say the resolution is an effort to push back against state government and affirm the city’s values and commitment to the constitution. Oroville drafted its resolution from scratch after not finding any examples of other cities with similar resolutions, said Scott Thomson, the city’s vice-mayor.

Well, if nothing else, I'm taking notes so when Texas decides to succeed from the Union, I can write up a resolution to declare my property a "Constitutional Republic" to stay a part of ths US.

RussRAB 8 Nov 8

Enjoy being online again!

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Sounds like the kind of California Town where the old men sit around the stove at the general store and talk about how terrible California is and how Texas is so much better. I suggest they just move there to be with their own kind.


Spitting on the constitution while pretending to honor it, typical right wing BS these days.

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