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I wonder why there is so much hostility between the Xstians and Islam?

SnowyOwl 8 Nov 8

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That explains everything 🤣


I can’t help but think “ the blind leading the blind “ as look at the pic…


Ouch! Well hard to be consistent.

Ryo1 Level 8 Nov 9, 2021



Nothing can be the best and the truest unless there is something to compare it to.


It wasn't God , who told anyone not to get married . Historically speaking , until the middle ages religious members of the Catholic Church , did marry and have children .


I would say this is a big reason to not believe in gods. True believers would claim that the other side did not have the true religion. Very strange this "true religion" stuff. Pentecostals think they would still be Pentecostal even in Iran. I'm sure a lot of Baptists think the same. A lot of these believers think their god stacked the deck by allowing them to be born in the right country. It is a strange idiocy.


Religion's Tweedledum and Tweedledee...


One Pedophile to another…….


Ever priest/imam/ witch doctor in the world is in competition with every other. And when the only two products you have to sell, is a belief in that your followers have an exclusive access to truth and gods gifts, plus absolutes and the idea of perfection, then detail matters to an extreme. It is no good saying. "Yep god is going to let them into heaven as well." Because then you have nothing to sell.

Talking of heaven...


Understanding how the biblical prophesy is fulfilled. As written, Abraham says to Ishmael he will always be in hostility towards his brothers. Ishmael patriarch to Islam always in hostility to brothers of Judaism and christianity.

He will be a wild donkey of a man; his hand will be against everyone and everyone’s hand against him, and he will live in hostility toward all his brothers.” Genesis 16:12

Word Level 8 Nov 8, 2021

Clearly the guy on the left is the one in need of the drink.....👀

Cut it out 🤡

Well one wife drove me to drink, and he has four.....👀

@Pralina1 😁


Of course, in reality "God" never told any of them to do anything.


Catholics think the God of Islam, Allah, is a false God. I presume Baal but along that Biblically mentioned track so their beliefs are not from the same God.

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