A biking Evangelical pastor says that we have no crisis at the border. Here's a link and he claims media and politicians created this crisis falsely.
Well, at least one reasonable thing coming from an evangelical preacher.
Does this Mark a division between trump enthusiasts and the evangelicals? I rather doubt it.
I doubt it also. What I got out of it was that this man rode his bike around our border fence areas and all he saw was bad treatment of immigrants. Also, no crisis like media and Trump have reported. A crisis would be people coming in and we cannot stop them. That is not happening and never did happen.
@Druvius - I disagree that the right doesn't have a platform or ideas. The last big they they did besides ramming through Supreme Court Justices was huge tax cuts for the wealthiest Americans and corporations. Their problem is that the majority of their platform and ideas are terribly unpopular with most Americans. They couldn't win elections promoting them so they resort to the rest of the nonsense you mention - racist fear mongering and Christian victimization, culture war issues - to keep their base distracted as well as annoyed at their opposition.