Your post is in the wrong group. It should be general & hello.
Call the cops.
@SnowyOwl messaging you.
No doubt at all it was an all-hands-on-deck world effort. The US definitely was the "arsenal of democracy," but an arsenal is not itself command strategy.
Remember Alan Turing?
Yes, great job but the high command couldn't get past him being gay.
@SnowyOwl He wasn't punished for that until many years later, and by civilian authorities.
Cooperative effort but our large industrial base tipped the balance
It DID, but Russia's numbers and tenacity did even more. Without Russia bogging down Germany, the outcome likely would have been different.
@MikeInBatonRouge We were also fighting the Japanese
@bobwjr very true. The entirty of the allied forces was very much a group effort. The U.S. was pivotal. But the UK and Russia were also crucially important.
@MikeInBatonRouge Of course took everyone to succeed
Only after your warmongering capitalists had been playing both sides waiting to see who would return the greatest profit.
If Japan had not bombed Pearl Harbour USA would be still sitting on the sidelines or now speaking German but for the allies already commited to fighting the Third Reich.
They’d have failed without us though
The USA would have failed just as readily if they hadn't got in the war when they did. If Britain had fallen that would eliminated any chance of a D-Day Invasion, the Nazis would have consolidated their position in Europe and Japan would have done the same in Asia - this would have left the USA the last target left on the board and having to fight on two or three fronts. Game Over.
@SnowyOwl Britain was beat by the U.S. and has needed us ever since.
F the queen. Typed with the utmost respect of course.
@SnowyOwl tell it to Mofo
@FrayedBear who’s mofo?
@CourtJester one of your fellow countrymen.
No one has ever accused me of being a America first or America is the best type of person and I would be sad if they did.
My dad was sent to New Guinea during World War II. The Pacific theater was definitely part of World War II and Americans definitely lost more people there than any other country. The Brits and Australians definitely participated but Russia was not involved at all.
While the Japanese / Russian conflict doesn't get much press it was actually critical to the Japanese losses leading up to the dropping of atomic bombs on Japan.
What a crock of shit! FDR handcuffed by the Pro Nazi GOP. Calling themselves 'America First'. They haven't changed to this day. Ask a Brit "Who won WWII?", they'll say "England". Ask the Russians, they'll say USSR. Ask an American they'll say USA. That cartoon isn't silly or fun. It is random. Random bullshit.
What. He. Said.
USA! USA! USA! - In both world wars the Yanks didn't show up until both sides had already exhaust most of their resources and manpower, those are the facts. The Russians are the ones who paid the highest price and wore down the Germans or we would have all been goose stepping along with the Nazis, even the US Nazis.
@SnowyOwl the main reason Russia was able to wear down & eventually prevail over the Nazi invasion was that the Germans failed to notice that the railroad tracks in Russia had a different gage, so that their supplies could not efficiently get through, and the Russians went "scorched-earth" so they left nothing for the Rusdians to use, not food or fuel. Yes, a heavy price, born as always by the little guys.
@AnneWimsey Actually, most countries had slightly different gauges of railway tracks in Europe and for exactly that reason, to slow an invasion force. The German MIlitary have always been meticulous and thorough, so they would have been well aware of the difference in the railway gauges. That scorched earth policy managed to slow the Blitzkrieg for just long enough that winter set in before the Nazis could capture Moscow but at an ultimate cost of 9 Million Russian soldiers, the Americans lost less than 500 Thousand soldiers. The losses on the Russian front made the Nazi war machine much weaker when the US finally showed up at the party.
@AnneWimsey I seem to remember they did the same thing to Napoleon.
@SnowyOwl they actually were (fatally!) Surprised, because the difference in width was too great to jury-rig, although they sure tried. You can look it up, it is 100% true.
@SnowyOwl The Russian did suffer the most casualties and did turn the tide of the war. Stalin was partially responsible for the rise of Hitler and largely responsible for his downfall. America First was also culpable for the advent of Hitler. The USA did have to fight three theaters Europe, North Africa and Japan (basically single handedly). Russia tried to do the same thing in Japan, jumping in late in the game with Potsdam Treaty. I still believe Truman dropped the bomb to keep Japan from surrendering to Russia. I wish they had. It was all fucked up. I don't know if the "good guys won" but the REALLY bad guys lost.
@barjoe I think that you largely prove @SnowyOwl.
As for USA only vs the Japs you follow your indoctrination.
Britain & it's empire had been fighting them since 1940
Also have a read & listen to this:
@barjoe the fact is that USA probably created 80% of its casualties because of its failure to oppose fascism thus allowing the aggressors of Japan & Germany to entrench themselves in well fortified positions
@FrayedBear That is total bullshit.
@barjoe oh yeah? Never read about Omaha Beach or Guadalcanal Joe?