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Why isn't the media exposing the great damage being done by the the head of the EPA?His changes are poluting our rivers and land? Isn't he suposed to be protecting these limited resources?

Marine 8 Apr 22

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I see it in the news all the time, now...I don't know what is more frightening, the fact that they aren't even hiding it or that they are doing it...I'm gonna go with both.


More to go with...."At the E.P.A., Mr. Pruitt is under investigation for allegations of unchecked spending, ethics lapses and other issues, including his interactions with lobbyists. An examination of Mr. Pruitt’s political career in Oklahoma reveals that many of the pitfalls he has encountered in Washington have echoes in his past."



Trump appointed to each cabinet position the person most likely to destroy what they oversee.

I was going to say something very similar, but instead, I'll just say "Here here!"


I've been trying to get more people to pay attention to what's happening with the EPA.
It's going to take generations to repair the damage 45, Pruitt, and the rest of that merry band
of asshats, are doing to our environment.
So far, it seems like no one is listening, AT ALL.


I'm seeing plenty of media coverage on this subject... just depends on where you get your news and the filters you use. I don't think he can easily end the EPA, as was his original intention, but he's certainly redirecting it's mission 180-degrees to protect the preferences & profits of the wealthy and the greedy corporations (now where else did we see favoritism to them recently?). They may as well rename it as the "Fossil Extraction & Mining Profits Protection Agency"... FEMPPA. That seems to describe Pruitt's current mission. Yes, it's put us back many years and likely takes the US and the planet beyond the irreversible tipping point on climate change. Explain that to your grandchildren.


Can only respond as someone outside looking in, but I'm gonna say Greed/Money/Corruption or Incompetence... or all.


I know they are worred about his outrageous spending vs what he is doing to destroy our National Parks, rivers and lakes.


This administration has appointed toxic individuals to lead most of our government agencies to ruin them.

JT714 Level 2 Apr 22, 2018

Try watching MSNBC instead of Fat! They talk about Pruitt all the time!


Todays Seattle Times had 2 lengthy articles about this Cretin and his corrupt dealings.


It is getting some coverage but the current administration is such a circus it is hard to filter out the important information from the distraction. Let's face it. There are so many different distracting stories. Some could bring him down so even if it is spurious or generally not important to the nation's business, it can be important to the overall cause. So you find yourself watching despite being disgusted and get distracted from other important issues.


Scott Pruitt is a theist that believes that this is god's earth and god is in control of what happens to this planet and there is nothing that humans can do to harm the planet.

Oh my


He was appointed by Trump because he had been a very long, very vocal opponent of the EPA. The damage is known but the more overt damage is done by local leaders teaching that the EPA is a leftest, liberal fantasy and as a result, he will probably be sacrificed by Trump when the outcry over his lavish spending becomes too much rather than his damaging of our earth and resources.


It's just information overload, utter pandemonium. Three hundred things happening at once. What story do you lead with? What stories are going to bring increase viewership and advertisers? There are a thousand things happening that need more exposure, but they get pushed aside by more pressing issues or issues that people will tune in to see.

And this is part of the strategy: overload us with so much shit you can't keep track of it all and making it that much harder to combat it.


Yeah, and Trump is supposed to be rinning the country. Total buffoons.

godef Level 7 Apr 22, 2018

Because profits.


it is in the media, but there are so many other issues, and so many argumants over them its the "forest for the trees" issue a thousand times over.


Duh , the media is owned by the same bunch of stupid old white men. exxon shell rockwell etc.

Fox, i.e. Sinclair Enterprises is owned jointly by British citizen Rupert Murdock and family and also by a couple of Saudi princes. Sinclair has almost a monopoly on cheap magazines, multiple newspapers and television stations.They could buy and sell Exxon, Shell, etc. for pocket change.


Welcome to tRumplandia. A shit storm so big, can't wipe it all.


It is all about the money. I have been reading about Justice democrats who are aligning as running without taking any corporate mone...politicians get into office everybodies bitch who supported them


Money money money !!

For everyone except those truly in need.


You know it's politics, right? Lol

Not even mentioning the regular corruption with politicians and organizations like the EPA and the media now as well, this is a guy (Scott Pruitt) who said he wanted to roll back regulations and basically dismantle the EPA before Trump appointed him to the position.

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