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This is how silly Bronze Age beliefs appear in the Space Age but so many are still back in the Bronze Age.

SnowyOwl 8 Dec 14

Enjoy being online again!

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Jesus didn't live during the bronze age

Very good, but the belief system that I referenced is from the Bronze Age. B- but A for effort.

@SnowyOwl Actually, Jesus opposed the Bronze Age religious fanatics. That's why they killed him.
There is a big difference between Jesus himself and Christianity.

@Krish55 Yeah, that's why they call it Christ ianity.

@SnowyOwl So a pic. of Moses would better illustrate your point, even though he was a mythical figure.

@Krish55 They are all mythical figures in the Bible. at least the holy ones.

@Krish55 ............there's that gentle veiled touch crypto anti semite we all know and "love" so well. "christ killers", an oldie, but tried and still plays well to the peanut gallery untermenchen. btw, whats new in the universe of palistinean emancipation? giving that theme a rest for a while? ..........somebody, open a window in here.

@holdenc98 Jesus was a Jew. Gandhi was a Hindu killed by a Hindu. Ceasar was killed by the Roman elite. Most good people are killed by their own people for challenging orthodoxy and hierarchy. Nothing anti-HIndu, antiJewish, or anti-Roman about pointing that out. In an Atheist forum, it shouldn't be surprising when one points out that religious orthodoxy and fanaticism are murderous.


Unbelievable egocentric

bobwjr Level 10 Dec 14, 2021

Why Bronze Age?

skado Level 9 Dec 14, 2021



So, sounds like what you’re saying is that the β€œsilly Bronze Age beliefs” are most likely not products of the Bronze age, but that’s just when they were first written down, because that’s about when writing was invented.


Same tooya.


OH too late! I'm going to hell, well it is my day off and I'm single.

@Gwendolyn2018 Ouch!

@Gwendolyn2018 Make a compress out of a couple of warm tea bags, it may not help but it couldn't hurt. πŸ˜‰


Exactly! Just how far out in space do we have to go before they realize it’s fake?

The Webb telescope is finally gonna get a pic of those pearly gates!!!😁

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