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My cousin and her husband were very good friends for years with a couple that lived down the street from them. The couple were rednecks who refused the COVID vaccine. They both got COVID. The wife recovered quickly but the husband had to be intubated, paralyzed and then moved to a larger center for better care where he died last week.

Imagine. A mere two or three shots and he would probably be alive today. Who would not regret not having had the shots? So simple. The kills.

LovinLarge 8 Dec 27

Enjoy being online again!

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To the tune of 2000 per day...

I'm not even going to pretend that I will be sad that there will be fewer conservative voters.

@LovinLarge Yes, they have distinguished themselves as hopelessly degenerate scumbags. They have no empathy for anyone. It's hard to feel compassion for them.


It boggles the mind, it really does. I'm friends with an older couple whose family is in Wisconsin and rarely vaccinated. We've listened to the turmoil of her BIL on a ventilator for more than 6 weeks, then his son got ill as well. They died 30 days apart, and I've listened politely to what an awful fate it was for her sister, losing a son and husband that way.

To make it worse, the husband was a week away from getting the mandatory vaccine from his employer when he fell ill. I feel badly for my friends, losing family this way, but I can't help but be frustrated by the stupidity of it all.


I'm sorry to hear of their losing a friend. As you say, it's especially tragic when a death was easily preventable. Even when we decry and despair over people exposing themselves to needless disease and death, it's hard not to feel for the surviving family & friends.

Well, in one case it isn't. I was told recently of a father/husband who died of covid, alone except for the nurse, while his family sat outside- because they refused to put on a mask in order to enter the hospital and visit the dying man. What. the. hell. people!

That is bizarre but thanks for sharing.

I love my cousin dearly and I feel for her because she is a wonderful person. But to be honest, a surgery that I need is being delayed because our hospitals are overrun with unvaccinated patients and I resent that my health is being jeopardized by their idiocy. They are being given priority as a matter of triage but now that the evidence is in about the efficacy of vaccinations, I'm not sure this remains supportable.

@LovinLarge I resent it, too. It's reprehensible that responsible people like you are paying the price for those who are often completely unrepentant about their own choice to be ill. Hopefully this next wave will cause more of a backlash against it, and you'll get priority treatment.


The wages of ignorance is death.
The wages of sin is a really good weekend.

Nice way to put it.

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