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I would suggest that if you want to help @azzow2, contact him via a PM and send him a check.

KateOahu 8 Dec 28

Enjoy being online again!

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Well, if so, they got me.

Me, too. I think he genuinely needs help with his roof. But starting several concurrent fundraisers made it suspicious, and I do not want to be responsible for anyone losing money. I would suggest that anyone wishing to help him out send a PM and get the address to mail a check to him.


Is there any other way than Facebook. I do NOT want my details saved, no matter how securely Facebook claims it to be.

I removed the link, because there are multiple fundraisers and I think this may be a sham.

PM Aaron. Maybe he can accept a PayPal donation.

What makes you think that these crooks are exclusive to FB? I'm not saying you are wrong. Hell, FB is in the top ten of wrong doers. Just don't make the mistake of giving out ANY personal information. It's a mine field out there!


So we are asked to pool our money to benefit someone who identifies as a conservative when at this very moment in our country conservatives are disenfranchising voters, assaulting the bodily integrity of women and standing in the way of this administration's attempts to help Americans of lesser economic status including children and housing accessibility? Count me out.


Democrats can’t afford to take care of themselves or each other.
Warms my heart.

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