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Kenya atheists to sue church for noise pollution


"The [Atheists in Kenya society] stated that the church has declined to heed constant appeals by neighbours to tone down on their 'noisy worship.' . . . The complaints have not to be raised by atheists but Kenyans who have been concerned about the happenings in the church."

josh_karpf 7 Jan 16

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Make them bleed some money and they will quite down.


When I was about five I lived two blocks away from a holy roller Church and I can remember being frightened by the noises in the summertime when the windows were open. Some of the sounds actually sounded like people were in pain and crying for help. It appears that the Kenya church is not in a building but instead in an open air pavilion so I can imagine how loud it is for the neighbors.


KESHAS is a Faith Evangelistic Ministry located in Nairobi, Kenya. This means the group could be noisy like Pentecostals or loud Baptists. Notice also in reading the article how the address of the place is laid out. All the places around the location are given and this is because Kenya has no addresses as we do. Located at the corner of this street and that street, for example is how they do it. There is no set of numbers and then the name "This street" as also there is no set of numbers and then "That street."

I just printed the above for some clarification on the issue. It is because of this system that a PO box is very common. Mail is not delivered to a location on the street. At least, not while I was there.


I guess it's hard to control your noises when you're stoned on Jeezus.


Noise pollution? Now there’s a unique angle to shut down the amplified hallelujahs! One would think that decibel readings have been made outside the church, and that an ordinance not specifically designed to go after any church, but covering any and all noise pollution, would make the case for the neighbors.

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