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Americans??? Dancing on graves??? Come on now, Americans don't dance... dancing is a form of exercise... and surprise, surprise... most Americans as fat as a manatee...

Don’t dance on the graves of anti-vaxxers who die. It won't help get shots in arms.


Dyl1983 8 Jan 17

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You are right sir.


My brother refers to them as the control group.
I saw a news report in Australia. The guy presenting it was way too happy as he spoke about the 11 in ICU with Covid 19.
Of those 11
6 were un-vaccinated and all presented with the same symptoms as the first wave of Covid 19
the other 5 were admitted to ICU for other reasons ie stroke, heart attack, car accident, etc
The only reason they know that these vaccinated people have Covid 19 is the fact that they were tested on admittance to hospital to determine the level of protection the staff needed. They are showing no signs of the disease.
He was almost dancing as he reported that this proves the vaccinations work.


My take:


Rush Limbaugh is the only person whose grave I would dance on. That being said, anti-vaxxers are the functional equivalent of Americans who decided to fight for Germany and Japan in 1941. Of course many will celebrate their enemy's deaths, welcome to Earth.


The dancing won't, but the deaths help to prevent the spread.


We do The Monster Mash and Mackerana (I don't care how to spell it) and then just move around oddly.

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