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Why astrology is retarded

The fact that so many people (mostly female) are so impervious to logic as to actually believe in astrology is something that needs to be set right. Toward this end, I offer the following brief explanation of why astrology is retarded.

For astrology to have even the slightest claim of validity, it would have to be demonstrated that the positions of the planets against the stellar background exert some kind of physical force that can affect events on Earth. The physical forces in the universe are electromagnetism, gravity, and the strong and weak forces. The strong and weak forces act only on a subatomic scale, and can therefore be eliminated from consideration, so we are left with gravity and electromagnetism. What if I were to tell you (with complete truthfulness) that the mother who gives birth to a baby exerts a stronger gravitational pull on the baby than do all the planets in our solar system combined? Gravitation can therefore be eliminated. What if I were to tell you (also with complete truthfulness) that a single light bulb in the room in which a baby is born has a stronger electromagnetic effect on the baby than does the entire rest of the universe combined? The same could be said for a single candle in the delivery room, in the event of a power failure. In fact, even if the child were born in total darkness, the same could be said of the electromagnetism of his own nervous system. Would you still hold even a shred of belief? Besides, exactly how would the electromagnetism of any planet penetrate the walls and ceilings of a delivery room? (These data are not at all esoteric; they are of the level covered in high-school science classes.)

There is a scientific maxim that extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence, but for astrology there is not a shred of such evidence. Astrologers will point to the approximately . 01% of their predictions that even come close to coming true, but ignore the other approximately 99.9% of the predictions that are completely false. No scientist would ever boast with such a record. You will not find a single science department at ANY accredited university in the world that has a single class devoted to the study of astrology, except perhaps to debunk it in classes offered to nonscience majors. Go to the astronomy department of any accredited university and see if you can find even one astronomer there who believes in astrology. They'll look at you as if you're an idiot, and with justification. I doubt that you could find a single living reputable scientist who believes in such rot. In fact, for many decades, scientists have become increasingly alarmed that so many people allow themselves to hold such superstitious beliefs. (

There is even an organization that has, for decades, offered a $1,000,000 prize for anyone who can prove, under scientifically controlled circumstances, that ANY supernatural powers (astrology, psychic phenomena, or otherwise) can be demonstrated; no one has won it. []

Sure, the planets have specific positions at specific times relative to each other against the stellar background, which has been arbitrarily divided by people, not nature, into constellations. But if the plane of the planets' orbits happened to be just slightly different, the constellations of the zodiac would not be what they are now, and they're not what they were many thousands of years ago, nor what they will be thousands of years from now because each star in them moves independently of each other in different directions. For example, what is now called the Big Dipper because of its resemblance to a ladle will, some thousands of years, more closely resemble a shoe. Perhaps then it'll be called the Big Slipper. Likewise, if humans had happened to evolve only slightly more slowly (or rapidly), the constellations would not appear as they do at this point in human history.

Additionally, because of precession, the sun does not actually lie in the same constellations as it formerly did in bygone ages. Therefore, everyone's astrological sign is off by one. Some one to whom astrologers would refer as a Libra is actually a Virgo, for example, because that's from where the sun actually shone when that person was born.

Also, if the surrounding interstellar nebulae were shaped rather differently, the constellations would have a completely different appearance because the light of some stars currently obscured would then reach us, and the light of others we now see would not.

While the moon is close enough for its gravitational pull to have an effect on Earth, there is absolutely NO evidence that it influences people's behavior, personal characteristics, or other events on Earth beyond its tidal forces aside from menstruation, but that's a biological phenomenon, not an astronomical one. Moreover, the Moon's gravity does not vary according to its phase, as astrologers claim. However, the planets' gravity is so weak that it has no effect on anyone. As I said, a baby's mother has a greater gravitational effect during childbirth than do all the planets in the solar system combined. That doesn't bode well for any claims for the validity of astrology.

If astrology were valid, then all babies born at the same time as Beethoven would be musical genii who began to go deaf sometime in their late 20s, all babies born at the same time as Einstein would have been scientific genii who formulated the Theories of Relativity, and all babies born at the same time as Lincoln would have been the 16th President of the United States who led his country through the war that ended American slavery and who died by an assassin’s bullet. That, of course did not happen. There was only one Beethoven, one Einstein, one Lincoln, and so forth.

Really, it's sad that people look to superstitions such as astrology when anyone with a high-school scientific education, the slightest understanding of how the universe formed, and even a modicum of logic ought to be able to figure out that there is no rational basis for believing that astrology has even the slightest validity. It's so retarded as to be offensive to me. I wonder why so many clueless people cling to such mundane superstitions when real science offers far more fascinating possibilities.

Apparently your horoscope did not account for any of this.

RRRRComposer 5 Apr 23

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Yes femake like and believe in astrlogy becuase they not use logic only acceptance of nature. You artilce is very clear and hidden truth of moon and sun with astrolgy specialy childbith fact. Get everything about astrolgy at [] where we can see interesting fact about astrlogy, horoscope and famoush birthday


Lets look at this from a Historical context. Give me a minute to breathe.... I do understand what you are saying. But as a Student of Academia and Esoteric Societies, I have a little different perspective. First we must go to the root. Astrology is a term that has morphed into a conceptualized meaning other than it's morphological roots.

Astro/ology, latin=astrologia, greek=astron "star",... now this sense of the term is found in the original meaning of that time period of western thought.
late Middle English: from Old French astrologie, from Latin astrologia, from Greek, from astron ‘star.’ The term (in full natural astrology ) originally denoted the practical uses of astronomy, applied in the measurement of time and the prediction of natural phenomena. The current sense (in full judicial astrology, relating to human affairs) dates from the mid 16th century.

So in a sense, Astronomy and Astrology are related. Astrology was Astronomy. The ancient Phoenician/Caananite peoples were the Astromers of that time period. The Babylonians were not the first to use the stars as a means of divinations. However the Phoenicians are where we get or sense of Astronomer. The Phoenician Magi were trained in the city of Medes. So I think you have a concious understanding of what is being comunicated. Let us look at two terms. Magic and Media and or medium. A Medium is a conduit for the transference of energy or communication.

Let us reel it back in..... the methodology of Astrology is misunderstood. Yes from your perception you have a valid point in to days perception of Astrology. However, the modern perception of Astrology inaccurate.

Their are valid Scientific studies that have discovered a relationship between the months in wich a human was born and the humans psychological development. Children that are born in different times of the year(think seasonal), share some of the same attributes an psychological conditions as other children born during the same time. I just finished reading a study yesterday to be in fact. I cannot remember all. But I remember some of the conditons of children born in January. Statistically speaking January childern are pron to neurosis like depression, bipolar disorders, and a few more. The bright side of this study found that children born in January are most likely to achieve stardom, because January is the common month for birthdays of famous people. Introvert and intelligence is another trait if I remember the read.

Now this sounds a lot like Astrology, but its not. It is a scientific study that was conducted over a few years and is still on going. The study got into the physics of the matter, but I do not remember all details. I remember the discussion going into the distance of the Sun in correlation to the birth month. The amount of light, the amount of food that is available and consumed. It was an excellent read. I will try to find it and let you decide, you sound like a Scientist.

So lets look at Christianity. You have a deity who is whorshipped on Sunday. He has 12 apostle, he actually had more, but....... We live on planet Earth. We have a Sun some 93 million miles away. And this Sun gives us light that travels to Earth at about 300,000 mps. The Sun is traveling through space, and as this Sun travels through space at 45,000 mph, Earth is traveling around the Sun at 67,000 mph. The Earth rotates on its axes at about 1,000 mph at a tilt of 23.5 degrees. From Earth we watch the Sun rise in the east, and set in the west. And for something like 2,200 years or so the Sun will rise every morning in some degree of the same Constellation. Now this Constellation is not just any Constellation. This Constellation is one of 12, or what we call the Zodiac Constellations. It takes our Sun a sum less than 26,000 years to complete a cycle through the 12 Costellations of the Zodiac Calender. Notice the term Calender. The year 2012 was the completion of this plutonic year or Great year as known by all Astronomers and Astrologers. And even The Mayan Civilization.

Yes the science or art of Astrology is incomplete, and has been turned into something for entertainment purposes. But I will tell you as a Historian, events in History have been shaped by this exponential equation and all of its Attributes. History was, has, and is still being created by humanities attempt to apply devination with the use of Astrophysical Science/Art.

Christianity = Astrotheologia

Etre Level 7 Apr 24, 2018

So I read a little more on your argument. The reason that all babys being born are not Einsteins and or Beehtoven is a simple answer that is backed by several academic studies.... say... Psychology, Sociology, Biology, Geography, Physiology, Environmental Sciences, Genetics ...ect... it is not only the genes that make up a humans affinity to become and or be recognized as a Genius. The Social, Geographical, and Familial Evironment play the larger part in Creating or Fostering the Growth of a human with a High Intelligence Quotient.

Now as for Musical Giftedness or Geniusness, well, .. ..... pretty much the same..... except some humans have an innate ability for the Language of Music. Notice I described Music as being a Language. And that is because Music is considered to be a Universal Language.

I hope this helps your understanding

I read a little more and yes it is well known about the precessional slip.... the babylonians created the system we have today i am guessing 1200 bc maybe 800. But here again their system and reasons are very much unlike what it is today. And also to be technicall there is a 13th sign of the Zodiac. That fits into the procession of Equinox, or the Great Year, or the Plutonic Year. The old system had 13.

So are you musical or literary comp?

@Etre The reason those babies were not Einsteins or Beethovens is that astrology has no shred of validity. I don't know if you were attempting to show that it does. If so, you failed.

@RRRRComposer the reply is rethorical. Astrology does not divine in the manner that you speak. Astrology lays out a hypothetical path that one may choose to accept as fate. Their exist too many variables for the diviner to calculate a linear path.

Several of the Great Composers believed in concepts that we deem as implorable. They all Composed Great Works of Art for Religious purposes. Did the written Symbols for Music not begin with Gregorian Chants, or No, I think the oldest written piece of music is to Sybil, the Greek Southsayer or Astrologist. And did not Beehtoven believe in Numerology.

May the Spirit of Mozart pass through the hands Haydn, unto Beehtoven.

I have nothing but Respect for those of us who have the Capacity to Compose in Movements. Composer are Elite in Creative Capacity and Depth of Feeling. We are sometimes Arrogant and Pretentious. We are sometimes insultng and disrespectful. But we are intelligent enough to see our faults, and intelligent enough to change. My Ego cost me much in this life before I even understood the nature of Art. And I Sir, Bow to You.

Yes history has been formed by people who follow astrology just like religion. This does not follow that it works or is true. Hitler believed in astrology Churchill - history, who won? Can a truth come from a falsehood? Yes, Newton based much of his calculations on a falsehood.
Back to Churchill again and " there are lies, damned lies and statistics " In any given set of random numbers there will be anomalies. For example open a phone book and look at the numbers, (exclude area codes). You are quite likely to find a high % of names which end in a vowel that are odd or even have more or less % of prime numbers like 3, 7 or 9. This is not significant just random. As for the time of year when you are born. Some of this may be explained by our educational system. The school year starts in early september. Children who are born soon after that date are older when they first go to school. Therefore more confident and developed. Not much of a head start but it can be equated to having the white pieces in chess.
Let us now look at the planets and their influence. If all of them were aligned at the same time they would exert a gravitational pull on you less than a delivery truck driving down your street.
Even astrologers come unstuck when they try and prove this. I suggest you look at Guaquelin’s Horoscope Experiment. Where everyone got the same reading.

@273kelvin agreed, i was merely showing however trival astrology might be in todays concept, astrology laid the foundation for Astronomy. And disdainment toward astrology is lack of respect for it' s contribution to human civilization. I understand the entertainment aspect, and the mocking nature set aside for those who follow. But ignorance of facts do not make a human being a lesser Noble. A title does.

@Etre Just because something is the origin of something valid. Does not necessarily give the original validity. eg. Alchemy is the origin of chemistry that does not make it valid. It can throw historical light on some science. Most notably Newtons classification of 7 colours in the spectrum. Where in fact there only 6 (indigo and violet are 2 shades of purple) but he thought that 6 was the devils number hence 7. Similarly ancient greeks had the basis of science but classified only 4 elements. Astrology failed to see the earth revolving around the sun whereas science moved on.

@273kelvin well stated, the greeks had 5 elements, the 5th element is quintessence or Spirit. Albert Einstein is well documented in talking about whenever he and other scientist were working on an expermint, that a Spirit manifested between the group and seemed be present till the end, or as the French say an esprit des corp, Spirit of the Group.

Second, if you read the original deffinition of the term astrology, it ment and was Astronomy.... measuring distance, oberservation, ect... they did not start adding divination till way later, however they did asign meaning.

condemnation without investigation is the highest form of ignorance. - Albert Einstein.

Science does not have the cappacity to explain every thing in existence. This is why MetaPhysics exists. We cannot explain Human Consciousness/Spirit. We cannot explain telepathy, or the movement of objects. These phenomenon are well documented Gov. and C.I.A. There exists things that cannot be explained. Not yet.

For the record I never stated Astrology was real. But I, at the same time, am not going to discount the possibility of finding a correlation through tru data. And that does not mean that it is real, it simply means the data proves the possibility of realism or a correlative variable to the equation. History has proven this time and time again. Never discount what is unknown.

According to the Sumerians, humans were created as a work force by alien beings. Are you going to discount this as well?

There exist much that we do not know. And to say one is right while another is wrong is egocentric, especially when all facts are not present!


I stopped at "mostly women". Spoken like a "mostly asshole". Single, right? Oy vey

Such is the dogma of American-style feminism. It's about as far removed from reality as is religious dogma, they admit to no flaws, and anyone who brings up a fact-based criticism of a female foible is an asshole.

@RRRRComposer Are you done yet?

I am sorry but the " mostly women " remark is accurate. It may not be pc or nice to hear but there are interests that follow gender stereotypes. It is not sexist to say that most sports fans or petrol heads are men. How many men have you met that have had a tarot reading or been to a physic? Go to book store and choose 2 magazines. One is a lads mag like Loaded or GHQ the other a womans like Cosmopolitan or Hello. Are there are astrology sections in both? Market forces prove the point. Though I have had some guys ask me what sign I am, the number is about 90% more for women

@273kelvin I've met the same amount of men as I have women who have tarot I stand by my comment.


Agnostics being offended by facts is a textbook example of irony.
C/o National Science Foundation


I stopped reading at "mostly female" ?

If you're offended by facts, that's your problem.

Bless your heart.


Protip: Don't bring this up on your first date with someone.



If she believes in astrology, I don't want a first date.

@RRRRComposer it’s clear from your profile that you are a misogynist, so you probably aren’t getting that opportunity very often


Numerous words could have been used rather than retarded.

I too, would like to see the stats proving that more women than men believe in astrology

Political correctness? Not from me.
Proof? No problem. []

@RRRRComposer So roughly 10% of more women-in the U.S. believe in the supernatural as determined by calling 1002 people on landlines only. Back in 2005.

I guess your claim is technically correct but feels misleading in how you presented it.

As for the other, I am not as politically correct as my associates would like me to be but am savvy enough to not say shit that I know most in a group will find offensive. I do in fact offend people more often than I should but unlike you, I WILL apologize for it and make an effort to not repeat it.

To fall back on " it's not my problem you don't like/understand what I said" or to provide a definition of an offensive word IS a dick move.

Strong people have no issue with apologizing when offending someone. Even if the offence was unintentional.

@SherryMartin It's not "falling back" on anything. I won't apologize for not catering to the narrow-minded. I agree with the Mae West line, "Those who are easily offended should be offended more often." Since I'm not among the easily offended, the opinions of strangers over the internet (you included) mean little to nothing. The fact that your knee-jerk reaction is name-calling is a reflection on you, not me. People whose feathers are so easily ruffled would do well to avoid the internet, public places, or anywhere else where they are vulnerable to hearing things they won't like lest they spend their entire lives recovering from other people's views that they construe (or misconstrue) as offensive.

To clarify, I didn't use the word "retarded" to apply to mentally handicapped people. Saying "Hey, you're retarded" to such a person would be a dick move. No, I used it to apply to people who should know better. That should have been readily apparent, but not all people have a firm grasp of the obvious.

I've posted the results of other surveys elsewhere in this thread. Perhaps you missed them, or perhaps you are not interested in facts that contradict your preconceived notion about how you want things to be. Regardless, here they are.



@RRRRComposer You keep repeating the same things and others have addressed them. I am not going to waste my time repeating others words.

I really only wanted to make two points.

1- I said that a person who does a certain thing is making a dick move. Never said you were a dick. Yes semantics but you like making that sort of distinction yourself I believe.

2- You write voluminous posts on how little you care about the opinions of people on the internet yet people that truly do not care wouldn't bother. I think you protest too much.

But you keep saying WE are all too sensitive LOL


As someone who has become involved in many, many arguments about the general bollockry of astrology over the last three decades, I saw the title of this post and immediately clicked on it thinking it'd be a good read.

Then I read your first sentence. I'm not going to bother with the rest.

Jnei Level 8 Apr 23, 2018

@SilverDollarJedi More []

@SilverDollarJedi Now you're really grasping at straws. The fact that you'd never heard of the Pew Research Center is more a reflection of your ignorance than anything else. What about Harris Polls-- have you heard of them? No, I didn't get lucky. It's called being correct.


Amen! Preach it brother! Down with the supersticious nonsense!

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