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This is what I'm afraid of re: Justice Dept.

Organist1 8 Jan 31

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DOJ has not indicted 19 states election officials who illegally removed Howie Hawkins off Green Party ballot lines...the STEAL started then summer 2020 like the George Floyd riots and stealing delegates from Bernie....msnbc more fake news ....anything to STOP Pence from doing the job GORE refused to do ONLY COUNT LEGAL ELECTORS then call the 50 states cast one vote each for prez


A premature prosecution where he gets off would be worse, he could say "he was found innocent" with more justification. This is unprecedented in many ways, Garland and his prosecutors certainly know what's at stake and I'm inclined to trust their judgment. They'll want a case that will stand up on appeal to this Supreme Court. Trump sowing division in his own party isn't necessarily bad for the Democrats either but I'm skeptical that partisan politicians will do better at stopping Republicans.


A country that can elect a Russian puppet without vetting him, and endorse him after killing hundreds of thousands, rape, molestation, obstruction of justice, extortion, sedition and insurrection... What Dept. of Justice?


I think 45's going down. Soon.


Yeah. I fear January 6th was his Beer Hall Putsch, and he will be elected chancellor in 2024, and he will dismantle the republic to be president for life.

This is NOT Germany in the 1920's. There are constitutional rules about electing people convicted of crimes. I believe us turning into a fascist country would happen after someone like tRump was elected not before.

Both demonrat&rethuglican duopolists zionists have been destroying local democracy in Congress since 1914 by private Federal Reserve banks and illegal wars since 1946 ReaGUN taught TrumpOLINi how to steal by borrowing trillion$$$$$$ 29 trillion since 1982 Biden crime family destroyed Green Party democracy in 19 states 2020.... lèarn the truth about all fascists instead of believing fake news

@JackPedigo No it's not. Trump however is the first US politician with a massive personality cult supporting him, and the GOP doesn't give a crap about laws or the Constitution, all they want to do is win. I hope the republic survives, but this is the most perilous time for it since the Civil War.

@JackPedigo, @GreenAtheist Well yes, in many ways this was never a democracy, just rule by the elite with a democratic facade. The fact that gerrymandering, discovered in the early 1800s, has yet to be addressed shows what a sham democracy it is. Still, I'd prefer a sham democracy to Trump as president-for-life.

@Druvius blinding exaggerated fear of TrumpOLINi keeps believers diverted away from fixing Bidens Crime Family zionism and other illegal wars since 1946....31 years demonRATs crimes 32 years rethuglican crimes no meaningful difference murdering people in Illinois or Iran

@Druvius There are always ways to game the system. Like everything else democracy evolves and needs to change to keep up with the times. We have had crises before, including a civil war, and have managed to stay afloat. However, to me the biggest threat to any governmental system is overpopulation. Our 'diversity' has led to polarization and our increasing numbers have led to a loss of natural resources which, in turn, means competition for said resources. That competition often means violence and racist. It has been said, and I totally agree, that no matter ones cause it will be a lost cause of we don't come to grips with overpopulation.

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