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Lauren Boebert 'Splains Bible Heroes Who Got Canceled, Like Abel And Jesus
Whether it's a spear to the ribs or being kicked off Spotify, cancel culture is all the same, apparently

chalupacabre 8 Feb 10

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bobwjr Level 10 Feb 11, 2022

What a maroon!


OMG! HITF did this bozo ever get elected? Now with that said Sharack, Meshack, to bed we go.


Yet another case of "all Bra and tight panties" with NOTHING upstairs because the Elevator only goes as far as the Ground Floor.
And here was me thinking we Aussies had it bad with a Hillpong member as a Prime Monster, ( sorry typo, should read, perhaps Minister LOL).

@darren316 Ah but we GAVE you Ken Ham before your beloved tRump got elected.


Who was this Jesus fellow? He got canceled, huh, was he someone that I might have heard about when growing up in North America? She is a buffoon, soon to be canceled by the Soup Nazi, "No soup for her!"

Jesus, aka Hesus, that guy from Juarez, Mexico who goes around doing lawns, garden, etc, and eats raw onions for a snack, surely you remember him....LOL.


Same, same and not different.

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