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"Stupid is as stupid does."
-- Forest Gump

Flyingsaucesir 8 Mar 20

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Hope he goes over real cliff

bobwjr Level 10 Mar 20, 2022

I agree with him that the car wreck damaged his brain.


Yes....sadly he became crippled in his teenage youth... in a car crash....which then tipped him irreversibly in to being #religulous (god saved me that night, he's said). So with his good looks and religious bend - and crippled condition - he's appealing to the cult that is American right wing/#religulous.

Read what a horrible youth he had.


Still a piece of shit regardless. I hope one day he gets something like pancreatic cancer……where he will have a slow miserable death.

@CuddyCruiser He's already a mental and physical cripple....even in the wheel chair he's still making vulnerable women I wish him well...just hope that he loses this election (that he manipulated).

Tim Moore will be running against him this November -



The danger of these idiots is that they encouage the worst nothinking elements within our society. Cawthorne had a video of him inciting insurrection and one guy listening asks when they should go back to the Capital - this time with their guns. The rhetoric Cawthorne puts out is irresponsible and will get someone - likely more than one someone - killed.


This is another fuckin’ clown I hate as much as Chumpy, MTG,

I hope he loses his other leg and both his arms.

I'd be happy if it were just his head. Nothing of value in there anyway.

@KKGator LMMFAO!! Cobwebs and birdshit. He’s got some “bats in the belfry” for sure. But we all know who he appeals to.

@CuddyCruiser They can ALL go off the cliff with him.

@KKGator That would give me some great satisfaction!!

@CuddyCruiser Ditto!

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