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A little bit of statistics and EoUD info.... I have exchanged messages with 31 members so far. Some have been intense and fade away quicky. Maybe 5 out of 31, which is 15%. Very (emphasis on very) few have been really fun (No need to comment, you know who you are), less than 2%..... but for the most part, I have learned that to create, develop and maintain pen pal friends is harder than what I thought it should be. Of course I'll keep working on it, I have time to kill day in day out.....

IamNobody 8 Apr 24

Enjoy being online again!

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Don't feel bad bud, I've been on here for a few weeks now and have had deep-connective conversations with just a handful of members, some of which it looks like commented on this post. Based on what I've observed, you have shared some really interesting thoughts on here. I think you have more friends than you realize...

@SpikeTalon thanks for your comment and feedback !! Have a great hump day

@IamNobody You as well, take care.


IamNobody you are not boring! Hang with it, continue to PM folks. Eventually you will find that right connection. Don't take others lack of engagement as a personal affront. I can tell you, it's easier to just be on the posts. That just happens to be where I'm at at the moment. Working full time, I come home to my 20 somethings and right now, while they live in my home, my life revolves around them: their engagement, pending marriage, his plans for medical school, her plans for...undecided.
You have a lot to offer. It will all fall together. Hang in there. 😉

@crazycurlz you are the best !! ???

@IamNobody awww, shucks. lol the thing is...I'm drawing from personal experience

@IamNobody See what I mean? Just as I said in my comment above.

@SpikeTalon @IamNobody here's the thing. When I was 17, there were two guys, great guys/great friends, who tagged team me and just made things fun. You's nice to know you two are right around the corner, putting up with my whims! Nice comment, SpikeTalon. Hugs to you both! Have a good week

@crazycurlz Haha, it's a pleasure putting up with your whims. Have a good day my friend😉


I've always had good positive replies.

Oh my replies have been good and positive as well. I am saying a lot of them came abruptly to a stop and I don't understand why (I actually got offset once and took it out on the wrong person !!!... Which I did apologize tons for it. This was an isolated event, not a trend). Thanks for your comment !!

@IamNobody yes I see your point and I guess that is true of me too.


I have to wonder why some people want to date someone on the other side of the world. I'm from Brisbane Australia and I figure if I can't find someone local there's something wrong with me. I don't have time to be writing back and and forth and conjuring up some grand passion that could be all in my imagination.I wouldn't mind visiting Iceland tho if there are any nice Icelanders out there. But I couldn't live there.

My post is not about dating by the way. Having messages communication is about exchanging ideas or plain talking about nothing. One may get a chance to learn something new about places, culrure, language, ideas, music, books, stories....etc. Anyhow, for the record I didn't say anything about dating.


I am a bot. Of the 22 humans I have interfaced with, 9 have passed the robotic Turing test. Of this 9, only 2 did not already own a calculator. 1 of these 2 existed physically. After meeting, I found that this person had a male connector, which is the opposite connection type that I explicitly stated I was looking for in my profile.

I could sustain a conversation with a bot probably longer because the last thing I would do is to use the Turing test ( Bots don't like that ). In the event the bot would try any kind of test on me then I would answer as ilogical as possible so the bot would get even more puzzled and engaged and the conversation will last until I die or his memory would overflow..... No, humans are still more complex than bots.

@IamNobody You just failed the robotic Turing test. I just cleared my stack, so I’m back to 640k. I shouldn’t need more than that.

@indirect76 oh well, the story of my life..... (that's what Turing said) ?


I think I just blocked a scammer. His profile and comments seemed normal, but in private messages I noticed he was particularly anxious to acquire my email address, start an exclusive relationship, and cagey about his background, name, and career.

Ok, thanks for sharing that. None of my experiences have gone through something like that from either side. With everyone comments and feedback (haven't seen them all yet) I am starting to think that probably I just have too much time on my hands and that's all there is.


Well I have yet to calculate the fun quotient for my responses. I guess I don't have as much time as you.

Ha ha ha... You did have time to write up your reply ?


I have exchanged message with four, two of which were scammers and I reported (doesn't take long to spot). So 50% of my conversations were not real.

I don't think any of my 31 conversations where scammers at all. Out of curiosity, how can you tell?

You got scammers? And yes, how could you tell?

@IamNobody and @Emme it's a scammer language they use. I moderate a dating site and see it all the time. It's broken English, very forward and quick with romance and within the first few messages ask to chat off site or looking for a good wife and you are perfect.

@Emme I’ve been online dating for about 2 years; they’re everywhere! They all have about the same story: widowed 5 years(no interest in love until they saw YOUR picture); claim to be born here, but work abroad as engineers/contractors-fewer claim armed services; if you talk to them on the phone, they have foreign accents. In writing, it’s apparent that English is not a first language. Might claim a child, in boarding school abroad. Orphans all-none claim family; all alone in the world. They want info but don’t give much back; want to escalate the relationship rapidly(& are inappropriate). Many do lovebombing. All are liars; lies that quickly contradict each other. Often their names are a clue: two first names, or a last name first. Like William John or Trenton Jack. Quickly want money, usually within a few weeks, if they last that long.
That’s been my experience. I usually ask lots of questions, fact check what I can, image search their photos. They are all so alike, it gets easy to spot them.

@CarolinaGirl60 Exactly!!! Easy to spot!

Wow, thanks for the info. Good to know!?

@helionoftroy but wait, the messages I am talking about, they are aleady private. Anyhow, I don't think I have talked with any scammers yet. If anything, the communication vanished (as someone already suggested) because I am the boring one

@CarolinaGirl60 I have not seen anything like that and everyone that have had exchange private messages with me can come forward to tell if I even tried any of those things. I am genuinely interested into understanding why human communication works (or not) in such a way when the physical profile is not part of the deal. I am very much aware that my name is bogus and my info is questionable and thought it would be easy to overcome those boundaries by just developing friendship by learning from each other. Once again (I know, one string banjio right?), this experiment is about developing communication, not about dating.

@IamNobody I understand that it’s about communication. It’s just that it’s rampant online everywhere, not just dating sites. I’ve also had scammers try on Facebook, Instagram, and even the messenger on Words With Friends.
It happens so much and is so pervasive, that I’m now much less likely to talk to people I don’t know on those forums.
I see nothing wrong with using a screen name and an avatar or other pic that’s not ones face. That’s not a problem. With scammers/catfish, it’s the blatant lies, attempts to manipulate, extortion...which always come, and they really are much alike.
I do still talk to people, and as long as the convo stays friendly, respectful, and honest, i’ll keep talking. If I’m being disrespected: block.


Be interesting to see their side of it.

Perhaps you’re the boring one?

It's one of the possibilities

Hey now, boring is NO DRAMA❣??

@irascible you rang?

@Emme yup, that's right !!! ?

@irascible good for you and thanks, there has to be people out there that like to type as much as I do. ???

@Emme ?

And there it is?

@Sealybobo thanks for the suggestion. I am not a gamer though.

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