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Will Smith and Denzel Washington blame the Christian devil, a teacher is fired at a Catholic school for being in a same-sex marriage, Ukraine's churches leave the Russian sphere of power, and more happening in the news!

Atheist_News 6 Apr 9

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I've always been flabergasted by the devotion of Black people to the white xtian god.

Right, I never got that either!? It’s like here’s a bible, and if you don’t believe what’s in it, I’ll beat it into ya…..🤷🏻♂️

It is usually not the same horse choke oppression spoke in white churches.
Just like the slaves being given basically scrap meat and weeds and they found a way to make it taste good. Same with the religion they were given.
It is still mind corrupting mythology, but people get joy from it. And the civil rights moment was mostly rooted there.


So sad I have loved Denzel's work but have trouble with this.

So many artistic type people have troubling personal lives and habits.
Mel Gibson is mentally insane religiously, in my opinion. But he is still a very good director of some movies. He is a one trick pony in acting and seems to play his bipolar self - but that has worked in the role a few times.

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