But the right won't do it
Yeah, because with the electoral college they can win even if they lose the popular vote.
In terms of Critical Thinking, 'meme' = 'fake news'
Do you really think only Rs engage in gerrymandering, or are you hoping/expecting 'echo chamber' response(s). ?
Oh I know both Parties have engaged 8n gerrymandering.
They both have for sure, but the Republicans are the masters of gerrymandering and voter fraud.
@Sticks48 Isn't it fair/accurate to say that actual voter fraud in the US is vanishingly small ?
Rs have legislative majorities in plenty of states NOW, but historically, gerrymandering is largely bipartisan.
@FearlessFly Yes voter fraud is miniscule, but everytime it is uncovered, it is Republicans who are cheating. They have no ideas, so cheating and hypocrisy is all they have left.
@Sticks48 The problem with gerrymandering is that it squeezes all moderates out of primary races, leaving only extremists to run in the general election.
@Flyingsaucesir That's not really true for the Democrats. There are far more moderate Dems than far left in the House and Senate. What this country pens as the radical left is just normal policy in most Western democracies, national health care systems, maternity leave, free college education. Only in this backward hillbilly narion are these considered radical. What you say is true on the Republican sides of the Congress, more so in the House than the Senate.
@Sticks48 Tru dat homie! But having it occur in one party is enough to really gum up the works when that party also has advantage of an electoral college and senate that advantages sparsely populated states.
@Flyingsaucesir Totaly agree. It is a very screwed up system. I don't see it ever getting fixed.