Another song for the Atheist Hymnal:
Not for me I’m afraid. I don’t find any need for specifically atheist songs and I don't really subscribe to the lyrics of the song or find them insync with my own ideas.
All I had to do was look at her moronic face- I listened to NOTHING! People with no sight would never encourage blindness by putting studs near their eyes if they had sight.
@Diogenes Her facial jewellery doesn’t offend me, I don’t care whether she wears eye studs or not, I was judging the post purely on the artistic merits of the music. I didn’t care for the song or the singer’s voice.
@Marionville I was talking about deliberatly going blind because of metal injury to the eyes. PERIOD! Even stupidity can be overdone, by people like her.
I listened to nothing by her- and I won't now or at any time. There are children and adults who would love to have the joy of eye sight----- and this profoundly dumb bitch just dares fate to take her eye sight with those studs around her eyes.------Maybe she should go down to the slaughter house and get a used cow brain to put into her lump- anything would be better than what she has.
As has been mentioned by Fernapple, I also have issues with "I don't wanna face my sins", but other than that a lot of good points.
I don't think I recognise this young lady. If she's US-American it would take courage to declare yourself openly atheist. Good for her.
I don't agree with. "I don't wanna face my sins." Atheism to me at least, means taking responsibility for your actions, even if not maybe, the supposed inherited sins handed down from Adam and Eve. However, I do like the irony of the title "Thank god i'm an atheist." and the "Its the worst kind of evil, when everybody thinks its good. " is just a great line.