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Why are so many of the folks who won't get vaccinated, or think Trump won in 2020, Christians? Because religions train people to dismiss evidence, or lack of evidence, if that allows them to go on believing what they want to believe.

Flyingsaucesir 8 Apr 30

Enjoy being online again!

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We are being conditioned to accept Historical Revisionism. You can be sure Holocaust Denial is coming soon.

See also Ursula Haverbeck in Germany, where Holocaust denial is illegal: []

Holocaust denial is already here. It's just not mainstream (yet).


Religious people prey on those people who lack the ability to think. That lack of ability to think spills over into the other aspects of those people's lives. See also the "Tales of the Evangeloon" by @Triphid.

I got tired of waiting for @Triphid to say something that wasn't loony, and blocked him.

@Flyingsaucesir Understood.


They think god is real as well.

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